One late afternoon a conversation in her office

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Two, three months have passed, one afternoon after the usual to do, she handed him a cup of coffee and sat down in her chair their usual positions in conversation, but this time she said.

-Do you think that what happens is the way it's supposed to happen? I mean for you think that it was already written? That we were supposed to meet, that I'm supposed to have a sister? Two parents, that other people just have one parent and no siblings, that I'm a doctor, you're a priest, that we are supposed to live in this city in this century.

-yes, I think that everything that happens, happens for a reason, all the people that we know, we know for a reason, they teach us something, they help us, or we help them... yes, I think that who we are and where we are is supposed to happen but what we do it's our choice, we have free will.

-Jen and I were talking about that yesterday, how she and Steven met, it was such a coincidence and it let me to think that it's strange that I am here if all of my plans about my life was to be somewhere else but for one thing or another I'm here in this city,...I made my internship in Seattle I loved it there, my plans were to studying dermatology abroad I entered my curriculum for different hospitals abroad, the next day I received papers to enter dermatology here, the hospital where I was arranged it, a doctor are boss that was the chief of staff was known for helping all the new doctors, he used to say that he had a knack to detect the talent of new doctors and to help guide them, so it was handed to me all on a silver platter, I couldn't turned it down, it was perfect for me, everything turn out fine, just strange, the way I planned, didn't turn out, everything was handed to me here, not abroad, when I told Jen she said...I didn't know your right johnny we are suppose too be here in this office in these two chairs talking.


She got up and walked toward him, she held his hand and moved it so he stood up, she moved her body close to his wrapping her arms around him below his shoulders and gave him very gentle soft kisses, he loved her soft kisses, he loved her so much, he stopped her kisses by kissing her on the forehead, took her hand and walked toward their hanging coats and put her coat on, every time he helped her with her coat, he lifted her hair, he liked capturing the perfume and feeling her soft hair, he never notice that she closed her eyes when he did this, she loved feeling his hands barely touching her neck....she said in a playful way.

-see Johnny, I'm suppose too be with you for ever and ever, let's get married, she smiled, he made his usual sigh throat noise mmmmhhhhmmmhh he gave her a peck on the cheek, he opened the door for her.

Outside they both changed the conversation, they walk around the block and to their cars, when he got home, he didn't get out of his car, he just stayed thinking of what was said that night, he just wished it was different that he could feel free to embrace her every time that he wanted, to see and talk to her every day. He thought, I don't know how she does it to wait for me, she can be with another man, she can enjoy another man's company that can give her what she wants and needs, she doesn't have any obligation to me, and she still waits for me, she doesn't know when I'm going to call, she just waits and finds pleasure in so little. She always smiles at me when she sees me and she is happy as if I gave her every minute of my time, he got out of his car and walked to his house, the last building at the end of the corridor, he looked at the trees when he walked buy, he loved to look at those trees specially the big old ones on the back, there were four big trees on back of the property, it felt that those trees knew all of his thoughts, those trees have been there for hundreds of years and know all the answers, because they can't talk they are just there to comfort with their big majestic trunks and beautiful scented leaves, he looked at those trees as he walked, the only sound was the very slight sound of his own footsteps on the cement corridor.

Meanwhile Kate had her tv on, her eyes on the screen but wasn't watching it, she was also thinking of what was said that night, she also wished that things were different, but she preferred a little time with John that makes her feel special than with another man that makes her feel unimportant and cheap.

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