Sitting at the shore

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Early the next morning, father Billy went to father John's room to ask if he was going to accompany him to the service, Father John was broken hearted, it was like he wasn't living, he was sitting in a chair with the drapes drawn, darkness filled his room, he

after the services, father Billy couldn't find Father John at his office, he was still in his room, he knocked and found him in the same chair.

-are you alright John?

-how is Kate's sister?

-she was so sad, she said that Kate's secretary called her last week, that she had patients scheduled and she wasn't answering her phone, she knew something was wrong, she went to her house and found her, she passed away in her sleep, the coroner said, she passed way from complications of a none diagnosed scarred heart, it was a shock to her because Kate was so healthy every year went for complete medical check- ups, and it was never diagnosed, she took care of herself, took vitamins, walked every day.

-yes, I know

-want me to bring you something to eat?

-no..... thank you

Father Billy closed the bedroom door behind him and took care of his classes and masses for him.

Early the next morning father John came to Father Billy's room

-Billy where did they scattered Kate's ashes?

-at red pebbles beach, let me go with you

-no, I want to go alone

When he left the room, Billy contacted his brother Tom, told him what happened and that he was concerned for John, he told him that everyone knew Kate and that they all knew that John was the one that would take it the worst because he was her best friend, but he never thought he'd take it this bad.

Needless to say, Tom took the first flight to see John.

He found him sitting at the shore, close to the pier, he had his hands in the water, he was feeling close to her, saying goodbye.

-Hi John, Father Billy called, so sorry about Kate, can't even imagine how your feeling

-undiagnosed scarred heart, incredible, she died hours after we spoke to her at the coffeehouse, I never saw or spoke to her again

His brother sat beside him

-I'm so sorry

-That night I decided to leave her, that it wasn't fair to her to be waiting for me, to just waste her life waiting for me, so I stopped communication with her I didn't know that before I got to sleep that night, she already died.... I am so tired of being angry

-at God?

- no, at myself,

Sunset was starting, you could see the colors of the sun starting to reflect on the ocean, John looked to the horizon, feeling God's Presence,

God is the last to be angry with, on the contrary, he gave me all the opportunities, he gave me all the time to figure it out, 10 years to understand that she was for me, since before we are born are paths are made, but we make the decisions, he put in my path, in the most perfect time, the most perfect woman for me, she was so beautiful to me, smart, nice....and I said no to her, said no to what God wanted for me, everything that we have is a gift from God, are parents, brothers, I said no to Kate, I said no to one of Gods gifts, so he took her away, she didn't have anything to do here anymore, that's why he took her away.

Tom didn't say anything he just sat beside him....... some time passed

-It's getting late John, are you ready to go home? let me take you home.

He helped him up and took him home, he could barely walk

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