Attending Holy Saturday Mass

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For weeks they kept in touch communicating by messages, a good morning, a good night, a hello, how are you, how was your day.

Sometimes she attended the 7am mass on Sundays when Father John celebrated mass, she liked the way he gave the sermon, in attendance they announced the time of Holy Saturday Mass in a couple of weeks, her family never attended Holy Saturday, only Easter Sunday Mass, Kate called her sister if she wanted to go.

-Hi Jen, what are you doing the Saturday before Easter Sunday? you want to go to church with me, it seems it's a nice mass.

-yes, at what time?

-it starts at 9pm

-I'll be in your house at 8 and we'll go together

-ok, see you then.

They were 20 minutes early, 8:40pm on that Saturday of Glory, the church was jam packed, they were surprised of all the people outside that could not fit inside the church, they had speakers installed outside so they could hear the mass, Kate and Jennifer made their way inside, they found a spot at the end against the back wall of the church, it was perfect, they were standing exactly where they could see directly to the front of the church, even though they were so many people and children everyone was so quiet so respectful, the mass began, father John was celebrating the mass, everything was so beautiful, so solemn, every image was covered, after an hour or so of a beautiful sermon, everyone being so quiet, the church turn completely dark, not a sound, all of a sudden, first a tiny bell up front was rung, ding, ding, ding.... then a small bell on top of the entrance door, ding, ding, ding, then all the church bells were rang all at the same time, when they were ringing, they turn on a spotlight when they unveiled the image of Christ, they pulled the white covering from the top like it flew up, at once all of the spot lights were on the image of Christ as he was rising looking up to, all the people young and old had tears in their eyes, the emotion was so real, there wasn't a dry eye, they were all smiling, applauding, the bells got louder, and they started turning on the lights until the whole church was bright, they never saw a building so bright, hundreds of people, feeling joy, happiness, and so much love, they were hugging their family and strangers, saying "happiness and rejoice in the resurrection of Christ", It was surprising the feeling of love, pure love all around you in the air, the feeling of love everywhere.

The people inside and outside the church were enjoying every minute, taking it all in, after some time they started to leave.

After the celebration father John was at the door, everyone was thanking him as they were leaving,

-thank-you Father John, everything was so beautiful, they said it with happy tears in their eyes

the happiest were all the kids that attended, they were jumping up and down.

Kate and Jenifer also thank him for the beautiful celebration, after walking a few steps Jenifer said to Kate

-he's handsome

It was said with no importance it was just a comment that didn't need a response, as they were walking to their car, the gathering of people dispersed.... Jenifer said,

-wow, it was so nice, it's a shame we never came with mom to a Holy Saturday mass.

-that's what I was thinking right now

-how did you know about it?

-I was in church and after had a nice conversation with father Billy, he told me about the jubilee of Mother Mary Elizabeth

-ohhhhh reverend mother Mary Elizabeth, how is she?

-she looks great she told me to say hi.

-oh, I love her, she is great with the kids

-because of father Billy, I got to know Father John, the one that just gave the mass and four other fathers that are so great.

When they were in the car driving home, they just were talking about mom, how it felt that mom was there with them enjoying the mass,

When they got to Kate's driveway Jenifer got into her car and left, didn't want to get to late getting home, she was still preparing things for the next day, Easter Sunday.

-bye Kate, thank you for inviting me, let's not miss it next year, see you tomorrow

-see you tomorrow, Jen.

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