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Ding-dong, when she opened the door, her cat jumped from the couch and ran across the living room and upstairs to the bedroom, he just saw what seemed like a gray elongated blur running very fast and close to the floor.

-oh, you have a looked big

-hi John come in, sit down.... yes, she is a big kitty, big and pretty.....she is not fat, she is big boned.

She had a picture of the cat in a frame, she handed the photo to him, as he sat down on the main sofa

-your right she is big and pretty, she looks like a small tiger, what's her name?

-Caterina, get it...Cat-erina

John smiled

-Caterina is a variation of Katherine, from Greek origin meaning, pure, it's a beautiful name.

-Thank you, my nephew named her, I don't think he knew at the time, that it is a variation of Katherine, I was talking on the phone with my sister telling her that I had a girl kitten when I hear my nephew say, "call her Caterina, like Edgar Allan Poe's cat", he just finished reading his biography, the name suits her perfectly

-John smiled again seeing the cat photo as he put it back on the end table.

-how did you get her?

-a patient gave her to me

Said Kate when she handed him a glass of wine and sat down on the sofa chair, she had her hair down, was wearing jeans a cardigan sweater and classic sneakers.

-She was a tiny kitten when I got her, they left a box full of new born kittens in her front yard, she thought she was going to lose one, but nope, none of them died, she kept two, she was finding homes for all of them, first I said no because I wanted a dog, that was when I first got this townhouse I even condition the back patio for a small dog, but then I thought no, a cat is best, I'm at work all day, cats sleep more and like to be alone more than dogs, now I love cats, specially big boned gray tabbies...she you have a dog or cat where you live?

-father Dan he's one of the Priest that lives with us, he always has a dog or cat, he finds them on the street or someone that doesn't want a cat or dog anymore gives them to him, he keeps them until he finds a home for them, he's good on finding homes for them, and in the meantime he enjoys their company, we all do, now we all need a pet around the house, right now is a black and white kitty, he's new, he doesn't like to be seen he always runs to father Dans room, he comes out to eat when we are out because when we leave, the food and water dish that are near the back door in the kitchen are full when we come back there empty, this morning is the first time I saw him peeking out of his room I saw that he was white with black marks he's a pretty time the cat before this one....John started laughing...he had a cat that no one saw, he was always in his room but we knew father Dan had a cat because he was always full of scratches, once father Billy knocked and entered his room and he saw the cat jumping from his desk to his shoulders, head and in to the closet, father Dan screamed, father Billy was startled from all the noise, next morning father Dan had scratches and band aids in his neck, face and head, father Billy felt so bad, (both Kate and John were laughing) we all tried not to laugh, but we all know, a new pet, everyday a new scratch or band aid, still he loves his cats and dogs, scratches, bites and all.

-oh I completely understand father Dan, how you can get used to having a pet, I have Caterina for 5 years now, pets really are part of the family, my sister, has 3 small dogs no cats, so when my niece and nephew come to visit they like to play with her, they buy her presents for Christmas, new year's, Halloween costumes, she's a great kitty, every day, she fallows me everywhere since I set foot inside the door, until she curls up beside me in bed, when I leave for work I say "hold the fort Caterina, hold the fort" believe me she understands, it's all on the look.

Kate smiles and gets up

-let's go have some dinner John, like steak?

-steak? yes

When they were having dinner, the conversation turned more personal.

-you always lived alone Kate?

-yes, you get accustomed to being alone, I don't prefer it, it just turned out that way.

What I found more difficult is the things that I can't do because I'm alone, and I'm a woman that it will be strange to do, for example, going to the movies, it will be strange if some of my patients see me alone in a movie theater, or going on vacation alone, that's hard, I would love to have a partner in life so I can go out to dinner, go to the movies, go on vacation, you know, I never traveled with anyone, making plans for a summer vacation, enjoying the little things like walking holding hands, having breakfast together.

-your right never thought about that, I do all of those things alone, I always enjoy planning my vacation and going alone, but your right it will be strange to see a woman like yourself alone and I think also dangerous they are so many bad things that may happen to a woman if they travel alone, I can't imagine you not having a male companion, not finding someone that you can go out with.

-I never said that I never said that I can't find anyone to go out with, my problem is that I would like to go out with someone that I care about, that I enjoy his company, feel comfortable with.

John paused for a moment

-yes, your right

It got quiet for a little while

-wow It was a long time since I had steak, it was a perfect delicious dinner Kate, Thank You, what's your favorite dish?

-spaghetti with marinara sauce on top and parmesan cheese.

-you are not going to believe this but that is the one dish I really know how to prepare so next time I will do the cooking

-it's a date, next Saturday?

-I will be here

They both smiled

They talked some more about their favorite dishes, and they knew that it was getting late.

-it's getting late, thank you so much Kate for inviting me

He walked to the door, he got his jacket that Kate hanged by the entrance door and put it on.

-thank you for coming I had a very nice evening

-yes, it was a very nice evening

-see you next Saturday, for spaghetti, don't forget.

-I won't, he smiled

she leaned to kiss him to say goodbye, without knowing he closed his eyes, she loved how it felt to be that close to him, she moved her lips barely opened, slightly touching the corner of his, he also just barely opened his lips, they both kissed gently and softly, you can call it a lip corner kiss

She leaned stepping back

-bye John, drive carefully

-bye Kate, good night

her perfume, her soft lips captivated him, he loved how it felt having her close to him.

when John was driving home, he was thinking.... what happened, he really wanted to spend time with her again he really enjoyed her company, he wanted to feel her close to him again.

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