After Italy

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He didn't realize he had fallen asleep; he felt her head resting on his chest, he looked at his watch...more than an hour had passed......he was holding her enjoying the moment on how it felt, how they looked lying in bed together, he knew that it was late and had to leave, he kissed her in the forehead

-we fell asleep, it's almost 11 o'clock

He didn't move until she moved

-sorry John, I didn't know it was so late

She got up, she was still in her lounge wear, he sat on the bed, he put his shirt and shoes on, even though it was late he didn't move in a hurry, a personality of a real gentlemen, they held hands walking to the front door.

-can I see you Thursday in your office?

-yes of course

They gave each other a tiny kiss and he stepped out the door.

In his car...he didn't turn on the car radio, he wanted to feel himself be, he looked at his eyes in the rearview mirror, his eyes looked happy not sleepy at all, everything was quiet, in slow motion, the sound of the other cars driving, the sound of the tick tock of the turning light, it was past 11pm he is usually home at 10 at the latest, the night was clear, bright, he wanted to remember where he was just a moment ago, he wanted the night the feeling to last a long, long time, he felt ..... pure joy.... he didn't want to think that it was the joy that only love brings.

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