Meeting Father Billy

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A lady left Father Billy's office.

- you can go in dear, it's the first door to your right.

- thank you

The door was open, she could see father Billy typing on his computer before entering the room, when she was entering Father Billy stood up and presented himself with a warm handshake and a big smile.

- Good morning, I'm father William Campbell, everyone calls me Father Billy, how are you, sit down please, how may I help you?

- Good morning father, I feel a little strange, never spoken to a priest before, but I remembered that my mom did when she needed to talk to someone, she passed away nearly a month ago, and I just can't seem to get over it, I am so sad.

- are you able to work?

- yes, if I'm working no problem, ither than that, I just can't function, never happened before, when my dad passed away it was hard but there was still mom, now .... it's strange, I knew it was going to be hard never thought.... this hard.

- it's so nice, it means that you love your mother very much, some people do not experience that feeling, it will get better, I've seen that it's easier to mourn when you love than when there's hate or indifference, when you love like you do its much healthier and you will begin to feel more comfort with time. Did they give you time at work to mourn?

- I have my own office, I'm a dermatologist, I keep the same hours, I just took 2 days off, I don't feel sad while I'm at work.

- What do you do to keep yourself occupied, to distract yourself, besides work?

- I have a sister, brother-in -law, niece and nephew, they are great, I go visit them once a month the whole day. I never married, don't have children, time just passed, I have trouble with time just passing, time just flies, I'm in my office and when I least expected it's time to go home, I'm at home I turn on the tv, I do things around the house, or do some pending work and when I least expected I hear that the 11 o'clock news is on, I watch the news and the day has ended, I'm and early riser I wake up at 6 watch the news get up at 6:30 exercise, shower at 7, have some coffee at 7:30 leave at 8am in my office at 8:30 sometimes 8 if I have an early patient in the hospital, I don't have trouble filling my days, time flies, I'm just so sad, I feel that I'm always holding back tears, I'm just waiting to feel better.

- I know that your sad but it will get better, what I see it's the beautiful love that you have toward your mom, many people don't have that connection that feeling, believe me it does get better, we have a group of mourners that talk about their loved ones passing and how they are coping, would you like to join?

- no, I don't think it's something for me, I think it will make me even sadder, no, you know I really just needed to speak to you.... thank you, father, thank you for listening and for your kind words.

-you know, you want to come to a party tonight? it's reverend mother Mary Elizabeth anniversary, it's a beautiful mass celebrating her 50 years in the ministry of the catholic church, her golden jubilee, afterwards it's a small gathering, can't say no Katherine, can't say no.

it will be in the next building it's a large room where the first communion classes are given...promise you'll be there?

-yes, I promise.

She added with a smile.

They both stood up, said goodbye shaking their hands, he put his other hand on top of hers, she got a little close to him and almost whispering she said in a sad voice

-do you think I will see her again father? I miss her hugs so much, thinking that I will never see her again just breaks my heart.

He answered with a quiet voice pressing his hand on top of hers

- your mom is always with you, and you will see and hug her again, don't be sad, when you least expected you will just feel her love and you won't be sad anymore.

-Thankyou Father Billy, you helped me so much, thank you.

-See you tonight at 7pm....remember, you promised

In the doorway she turned and smile, her eyes were filled with tears, her lips moved saying yes and thank you.

When Katherine heard the name mother Mary Elizabeth, she knew who she was, she used to talk to her from time to time, when she picked up her niece and nephew from first communion classes, her sister Jenifer did some work none profit, and when it overlapped with picking up the kids Katherine picked them up, she liked mother Mary Elizabeth a lot a very nice even though strict with her classes, very likable elderly lady, she use to say, "it's the only way they learn, pressing them with repetitions", reverend mother Mary Elizabeth liked the children to learn the prayers in their entirety no shortcuts, and they did, Katherine was so glad she visited the church and talk to father Billy, she was feeling much better remembering mother Mary Elizabeth and looking forward for tonight. Katherine knew her sister was leaving that day on vacation; she didn't mention it to her so she wouldn't be disappointed.

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