John's thoughts in the crystal clear water

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They only had one more day left of their three-day vacation, they took the waterfalls tour, the tourist bus could fit about 12 people, it left the hotel at 8am, Kate and John sat together on the bus side by side as friends, it was a beautiful ride gorgeous scenery, first the bus took them threw a forest and then they were in the jungle, they could smell the water when they got close to the waterfalls.

The tour included breakfast, snacks and dinner.

They stopped near a beautiful waterfall they all stepped off the bus very happy and sat on a large wood table where they were already serving dishes with all types of tropical fruit, flavored fresh water, when they sat down, they served coffee, and put in front of them large dishes with artesian baked bread, smaller dishes with butter and marmalade.

When they finished a very cheerful guide presented himself, said when they were ready they could change to their swimsuits pointing to the women's restrooms that had an area for changing, and pointing to the left the men's restrooms, he also mentioned lockers if they needed to store their belongings, Kate had her swimsuit underneath a long shirt cover up, also had on sport water shoes, surely they were going to come really handy on those slippery rocks in the water, they got a locker to put their stuff in, John kept the key on his swim-trunks that had a small pocket with a zipper, when everyone was ready they entered the very cool water walking slowly fallowing the guide, he went up some large rocks and in through the waterfall, they all fallowed, on the other, John knew that it was going to be nice, but it was amazing, if you see it in photos or in a video or someone explains it to you, no, it does not capture natures beauty, you have to be there, it's clear cool water with vegetation all around, they kept fallowing the guide walking through the water spring, you could feel the gentle current, then the guide went underneath a second waterfall, no one hesitated going in, you found yourself in a place even more beautiful, you could see a perfect blue sky through the top opening of a very large cave, the sun rays reaching and going through the crystal clear water, you saw yourself in a place so beautiful, it felt like... we are not suppose too be here, it is that beautiful, like a secret part of heaven on earth,... all very quiet... just the sound of the water, they were all amazed, breath-taken, then in a couple of seconds, they were all talking about the beauty of that place, vegetation all around, small beautiful birds with bright colors flew close to the water, what came to Johns mind was the Love of God to make this place for us, knowing we are so blessed, how much we are loved by God, how to give thanks for this beautiful place, this is pure perfection GODS work, I know that I'm falling short but THANK YOU GOD, you are truly omnipotent, benevolent to mankind, perfection in all your Glory.

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