Braiding her hair

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They texted each other daily just saying hello, a couple of months passed and he send her a message.

-hey Kate, want to see a movie?

-yes, sure

-pick the movie and cineplex

-let's meet at the entrance of the cineplex at star plaza 6:30pm

-perfect, see you there

After the movie they went for some coffee and talked about the movie, and other movies that they enjoyed.

-have you seen boxing at dawn?


-it's not a boxing movie, well it is in a way know what, I'm not going to tell you because I don't want to ruin it for you it's such a nice movie, I have it at home, can you come next Saturday at 7pm

-I'll be there

When she opened the door she had on white sporty sweatpants set, very expensive looking, she wanted to look good but nothing sexy so he could feel comfortable visiting her, she had her long brown hair in a pony tail with 3 yellow rubber bands holding it, on top, middle and bottom, she had pop-corn, sandwiches, diet soda and lemonade, they met at her place for a movie every month for 3 months, she always put on a set of sporty sweatpants, hair in a braid or ponytail and pink or yellow rubber bands.

She never sat beside him always in the sofa chair, always thinking of not letting him feel uncomfortable.

Once it got late and she answered the door in her sweatpants, but her hair was in a towel she just got out of the shower, she said,

-help yourself to the sandwiches John, I'll be with you in a sec. I'm going to dry and fix my hair.

-can I do it?

-want to dry and fix my hair?

-yes, can I?

She smiled and went up the stairs to get the hair dryer, comb, brush and rubber bands,

She slide two wooden stools to the kitchen island so they had where to connect the hair dryer, while sitting down, she had her back towards him, he finished combing her hair, he got the blow dryer,....needless to say hair was blowing all over the place,...he comb and started the blow dryer again in low, she told him to put the comb on the hair so it wouldn't blow away, he did and in a little while he was now brushing her hair, when he finished he stood up and started the braid from the top, some strands of hair got away from him, he didn't continue until he got all the hair, once he got started with all the hair on top it got easier, while he was in the middle and the ends of her hair, she was looking at him on the mirror that was on the living-room wall, he had an expression that said, "this is a project that needs my full attention", when she notice that he was at the tip ends of her hair, she gave him a pink rubber band, she was enjoying every minute of it, unbelievable for her that something as simple as the man you like touching your hair could be so incredibly enjoyable, when he finished the braid it was tight and perfect, but when he tried to put the rubber band at the end he loosen the braid

-it got loose and now it's crooked

-no problem, it happens to me all the time

-pull the hair from the end straight down.

-I straightened it out but it's not as tight anymore.

-it's perfect John, sometimes I like it loose, tomorrow when I go to my sister's I'll have big soft waves, where did you learn to braid?

-my father taught us different types of braids and knots to make a rope stronger, it's a lot more challenging on hair.

Kate looked at him and smiled

They went to the living room to watch the movie

She grabbed some popcorn and sat at the sofa chair, he on the main sofa.

After the movie they said goodbye at the door with the usual happy anticipated tiny kiss.

Early the next morning, pling, pling, a message

-good morning, Kate, at what time are you leaving to visit your sister?


-ok, I think I can make it; I just want to see how your hair came out, don't wait for me.

When the garage door opened, she saw he's car, she pulled out her car, opened the trunk to put something in, so he could see her hair, she moved her hair, then she put her fingers through her hair, and got into her car, she gave him a big smile and wave goodbye, he gave her a big smile back.

Pling, pling.... Kate's phone

-your right, big soft waves...beautiful

She smiled; he made her day.

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