A week passed after Tom's visit

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A week has passed it was difficult but he was doing his job and going through his days and nights like nothing was wrong, he knew that it was a matter of time until he would feel better again, he knew that he will never be happy, but with time everything would be fine and he would be content, at least he was not hurting Kate she could find someone to love, someone to share her life, not waiting wasting her life away.

late afternoon he was at his office and father Billy came in, he was so sad, John looked at him very concerned, Father Billy with a very sad voice said.

-John, Katherine died, passed away last week, I just spoke to her sister, she introduced herself, she said that Kate liked this church that she knew some of the fathers and sisters of this church, she wanted to see if I could give the service, I scheduled it for tomorrow morning at 8am, after the service I will accompany them to scatter her ashes, if you would like to accompany us, I know that you were her friend and loved her.

father John, didn't answer, he couldn't, he was in shock, Father Billy closed the door, to give him privacy.

Father John could not believe what he heard, he couldn't move, he struggled to get to his room, when he got there, he collapsed to his knees, her last message was to him saying good night, it was the day that Tom came to visit.... he knew she died that same night.

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