John's brother Tom visit

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One day John and Kate were at the coffeehouse, when his phone rang, he looked at the screen it read "Tom"

-Hi Tom, where are you

-I'm here in the city, didn't know I was coming until today and I didn't know if I was going to have time to see you until now, what are you doing? do you have time to get together?

-yes, I'm at a coffeehouse in the corner of h street having coffee with a friend, come join us

-I'm not that far I'll be there in about 20 min


he hung up the phone and smiled

-It's my brother Tom, he hardly comes to visit same thing with me, he's joining us, is that ok?

-yes sure, although I think you have a lot to talk about, I can see you another day, no problem

-stay so you can meet him, you will know the guy whom I played catch with and my roommate for so many years.

A tall handsome husky man entered the coffeehouse, John lifted his arm so he could see him.

Tom ordered some coffee and joined them at their table.

they were so happy to see each other

-Hi Tom, this is Kate a good friend

-Hi Kate, nice to meet you.

-Hi Tom, nice to meet you too, heard a lot about you, all nice things.

All three chatted for about 25 minutes then Kate said she had some things to do and left them alone to catch up.

-bye Tom, nice to have met you

They both got up when she stood up, she gave both a peck on the cheek to say goodbye

-you too Kate, nice to have met you

When she left the coffeehouse, Tom said to John,

-she's nice... and very beautiful

-yes, she is very nice and beautiful,

Tom paused for a moment and said,

-how long have you known her?

-10 years.... a little more than 10 years, she's a dermatologist, she lives alone, she came to talk when her mom passed away, we became friends.

-you know she's in love with you.

Making a pause, sipping at his coffee, he lifted his head, he answered

-I love her too

He said it...first time he heard himself saying it, and looked at her threw the window as she walked away

-I wasn't going to mention it but you feel like a couple, that's in love.

He said it smiling in amazement.

-nothing has happened between us

-I believe you, have you thought on what to do?

-yes, I have thought on ending the friendship.

-why, something happened?

-some years ago, she attended some conferences she saw friends and a guy she used to date, I got so mad, it didn't make sense to me why I was feeling so jealous, because there is nothing between us, that's when it hit me that I was in love with her, I remembered something that I have always said, if you fall in love leave the church don't have a double life, so I ended the friendship, I didn't communicate for 3 months, I thought I was going to die, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I went on vacation to see if I could get her out of my mind, was worse,... so as a friend I invited her to join me in the Riviera.

Tom laughed aloud, and then John, they fast quiet down because they were at the coffeehouse, the conversation turned more enjoyable less stressful to John because finally he got to tell someone about Kate, and Tom, happy he could help his brother feel better, and amazed for the first time talking about a woman, about love, with his brother, they were both thinking about what to say because it was difficult and at the same time they were both happy to be talking to each other.

-never could I thought to have this conversation with you... Tom smiled and he continued talking..10 years is quite some time, you know that she is waiting for you, some women are like that, maybe it's their upbringing they fall in love and they wait, they just wait, they don't realize that time just passes them by, they live a very sad lonely life, specially the last years of their life.

when he said this Father John's face in a split of a second turn to gloom.

-yes I know, know the second I saw her, she wasn't even close, she just caught my eye, I didn't know if I was going to see her again I just saw her for a couple of seconds in a distance, she was making an appointment in the waiting room, I just walked pass her, but she made an impact in me, I was so surprised that I saw her that same evening, father Billy invited her to mother Mary Elizabeth's jubilee, I couldn't believe it, it's her, the woman in the waiting room. looking back, I fell in love with her that same night when I heard her voice and looked at her smile. She has been in my mind ever since. This is going to sound corny but it's like she is a part of me a part of my soul, how can you cut out a part of your soul?

Tom looking at his brother the pain he reflected on his face seem so real, it came from his soul

-have you thought on a different course in your life? you got 30 years under your belt as a priest, I'm sure you have some seniority, can you ask someone?

-it's not that easy, there are a lot of steps to take, it takes years, they don't say no to you, you need to wait, and the answer may never come.

-I think this is where the seniority can kick in, to make the process faster, you know sometimes things are easy we just need to ask, .... remember when I repeated the last semester? Because that year several companies were we were doing our project went bankrupt so I couldn't finish my study, I needed to start again in another semester, a whole new project, dad told me, ask your counsellors they know your case, they will give you an extension, and I remember dad it's not how it works, I never asked I just decided I'm going to repeat and that's that, know who asked? Victor... he didn't repeat the semester, it was that easy.

I say ask, if they say you need to go to the whole procedure, then think about it, I still do it, if you feel embarrassed because the church has given you a lot, and it have worked for more than 30 years, if it were an ordinary job with all the years and overtime I think you have paid back 100 times over, I think you are at a stage in your life that people know you, you have form a good name for yourself, you are in a position that you just need to ask.

John did not answer, he felt that any decision that he makes will let down Kate or the church.

Tom continued...

-Don't make it difficult on yourself, one of three choices, and they are all; you can continue the relationship as it is... two; you can stop the relationship if it bothers you because you know she's waiting for you... or three; ask, talk to a superior, take a different course in your life.... you can teach in a university you have all the credentials.... or you can change your denomination.... then he added with a smile, you can join dads firm, someone with good computer skills and someone I trust, you would be of great you know moms house is renting, they renew the contract every year it's about to expire in a few months....John, look at it this gave your best years of your life to God, and now you can have the last stage of your life sharing it with someone you love, when it comes to God you have always loved and served God, and you can continue serving God for the rest of your life but now with Kate.

Ten minutes passed nothing was said after that.

John paid the check and they walked for about 30 minutes, Tom relieving tensions, talked about his job in the city that day, that all went better than he expected.

John gave him a lift to the airport, said their goodbyes

-have a safe flight Tom, thank you for everything.

-keep in touch John, Love you.

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