Three days in the Riviera

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For nearly three months the communication stopped entirely.

One night at about 10pm her phone plinked......pling.... pling, it was John

-Hi Kate, I'm in the Riviera if you want, can you join me?

-of course!!

She was so happy she could burst.... she saw the same message over and over to see if she was not confused.

She bought a plane ticket and send him the time and flight number,

during the flight she felt happy, excited, and at the same time could not believe that she was meeting him in a beautiful vacation spot, when she arrived and was going down the stairs of the airplane she could see him standing with other people, looking at the passengers disembarking the plane, seeing if he could spot her coming down the stairs, she saw him right away, he was wearing just above the knee cargo khaki shorts, with a green polo shirt, he looked so handsome, she still couldn't believe she was going to be on a vacation with John.

They said hi, he was so happy to see her, she gave him a big smile, he picked up her suitcase and walk to the rented car.

He had everything planned for 3 days of great sightseeing,

he wanted to take advantage of the time because they only had 3 days, it was 2pm when the plane landed, they drove directly from the airport to a beautiful well known beach, an hour from the airport, very touristy but because it was Wednesday not to many people, she took out her swimsuit, cover up and sandals from her suitcase still in the trunk of the car, she changed on a bathroom with a dressing place near the beach, they walked around first, taking the edge of the flight, car ride and the missed 3 months without communicating, they were both relaxing walking on the pier, John ordered an alcohol free watermelon and pineapple ice drink, she picked the watermelon, it was 90 degrees so it felt good, sitting on the sand getting comfortable with each other's company as friends again, afterwards they went in to the water, unreal for them what they were living...they were together on a beach, they saw each other on the water swimming in a beautiful sunset, they didn't held each other, they were friends, ....John had everything planned, to have dinner there, some of the restaurants near the beach, had tables in the sand, they walked out of the water sat down on one of the tables and had a wonderful dinner and conversation, it was still so unreal to her, when they were driving to the hotel her hair was still wet, she put her hand over his hand that was on the driving stick shift, when he changed shifts he put his hand on top of hers, this is so cool she said to herself, she didn't know how to drive a stick shift so she enjoyed it, when they least expected they were in front of the hotel, It was a small very elegant hotel almost in the center square of town with all the modern accommodations, when they entered their room even more elegant, there were 2 beds, John said,

-it's better that we both sleep in different beds.

she got the idea that he made sure no touching at night, and she thought...."I can't believe it, we must be the only couple in the whole island that are not going to sleep together",

at the same time, she didn't want to think about that, she was so happy that it didn't matter, frustrating like heck yes, but she was sooooo happy to see him again and to be on vacation with him.

early the next day, when she got up, he wasn't there, she took a long shower, took her time dressing, fixing her hair, putting sunscreen and make up, watch a little tv, no note or a message on her phone so she just thought he already got up and went sightseeing by himself,

John got up early to return the rented car, then he visited a small church not far from their hotel, he was thanking God for this time with Kate, and he promised God no hanky-panky he just wanted to patch things up with her, and to enjoy her company again.

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