The festival

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The much-anticipated day of the festival came, everyone on the church was talking about it, it was going to be so much fun.

It was at eight o'clock sharp in the side yard of the buildings, it was a clear night, everyone was nervous.

The twinkly lights on the surrounding trees, and the twinkly lights on the centerpieces on top of the white tablecloths was all the adorn there was, but it was more than enough, the music and the joy brought it all together.

It was a larger gathering than a year ago, they sold all one hundred tickets, and twenty extra ones at the entrance, twelve round tables, eight people on each table, they added extra chairs where it was needed.

Katherine found a parking space outside about 2 blocks, she knew that the inside parking was going to be full, Father John saw her when she walked in, she recognized two lady's and two couples that were on her table the last time, she sat down with them, there was an empty chair, so they had elbowroom. Other tables had more than 8 people all scrunch up but with big smiling faces.

The festival of tenors began... the first to sing was Father Billy .... he was great, all of the priests were great singers, who knew, not only good singers but great entertainers, they had all the audience in ahh or in stitches with their corny but let's face it funny jokes.

Father John, was standing on the back with other members of the church watching the show, he could see Katherine from where he was standing, when he noticed that she was not talking to anyone because everyone was talking to their family, he walked to her table and ask them,

-may I sit here? he asked another lady and Katherine

-yes of course father, they both answered

He sat on the empty chair between the two, he turned to Katherine and smiled, she was glad she had company, it made the night more enjoyable having someone to laugh with and make small conversation during the show.

Two enjoyable hours passed

-I think the encore is next ...said Father John to Katherine

Everyone at the tables where standing, they began to applaud and yell, encore, encore,

The fathers came out to give a bow

suddenly the image of Christ was projected on the background trees and music started

Father John looked at Katherine to see her reaction

They started to sing ...."from me to you"

Everyone at the tables sang along, standing and applauding to the music,

Katherine was smiling from ear to ear, she was so surprised, he looked at Father John,

-they did the song all together that is so great

-yes, they decided at Mother Mary Elizabeth's party, late after you had left.

They all applauded it was such a great encore.

It looked like a night on Broadway, everyone so excited so happy,

some took pictures with the Father singers, everywhere, on the stage, on their tables, by the trees.

Slowly they started to leave, they noticed that most of them that had their car parked outside could not leave because the street was flooded.

Every car inside the church parking had left, two young priests of another parish, Father David and Father Chris, were the parking attendants that night, they were standing on the sidewalk, they said that a fire hydrant was broken up the street and it was going to take some time, the water could get up to your ankles.

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