Chapter 9, God Dam it

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That's all he felt, and it was everywhere. It hurt like hell.

And he has been to hell and back, barely returning sane.

The two raging love God's would show him many things. Ranging from heartbreaks, pain full deaths, to Heart breaking moments. They didn't just show him, they made him feel what the 'victim' would feel. Which made him, many times, go into tears.

Every two days or so, they would visit and feed him and say 'sleep, you need it.' Which he found unnecessary. The food was bad too. At least they could make his torture less of a torture by at least making good food. But no.

He was sitting on his knees waiting for the next vision to show. He was emotionally , physically and heart broken. He was exhausted. His arms were chained, so that they were pulled behind him, making it extremely uncomfortable. He was shirtless, and he had no idea why. He was freezing cold.

Then all of a sudden a red flash lightened the room and he knew that another vision was going to occur. He sucked in a breath and just looked at the light. He was then sucked into the vision. . .

He was in an apartment building, a living room to be exact. He was in the normal vision attire, black sweatpants and a black long sleeve sweater. He was quite comfortable in this attire, which made him a wee bit happy.

He looked around the room. There was a little boy and girl playing with toys in the middle of the room, they were old toys: mini wood boats, wood figurines, and other little toys. He looked at the boy and saw that he had curly black hair, pale olive skin, and freckles. All acquainted with a grin. The girl had shoulder length Brown/blonde wavy hair and had a dark Olive skin. She had Brown eyes, the same as the boy.

He looked at the rest of the room and saw an out dated tv, rough couches and a small table. In one of the couches, two people were talking. A man and a women. When Nico looked closer at the man, he froze.

It was Hades.

He looked at the women and saw that she looked a little similar to the children on the floor. She had warm brown eyes with tan skin and dark black hair. Then in an instant, the scene unfroze and the sounds of the kids playing and the people talking, filled his ears. He listened to the conversation Hades and the women had.

"Please Maria just come back with me." Nico stopped breathing and his eyes brimmed with tears."I'll let you stay at the palace-"

Nico Di Angelo's mother placed a slender finger on Hades' lips, silencing him.

"I'll be fine, amore mio. I'll be okay, and besides, you have Persephone."

"She wouldn't mind you staying there! I want you to be safe, the gods will find out soon about Nico and Bianca and I want you all to be safe!"

Nico was on the ground crying.

"My love, we will be fine. I promise you."

She kissed him.

"I am going to the kitchen and grab a drink. Would you care for one dear?"

Hades shook his head and Maria Di Angelo went into the kitchen. Soon after the air filled with a buzzing and it smelled like ozone.


The apartment was then struck, filling the air with fire, smoke, ozone, and screams from the little ones.

The smoke cleared and The God Hades had a force field around his two children, holding them tightly. He looked up and shouted for Maria.

She did not reply.

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