Chapter 2, The Feels

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It was 7:30 A.M, when he reluctantly got out of bed.
He was thinking a lot about that dream. That was the first non-nightmarish dream he had since the war. But why him? I don't like him. I don't want to talk to him, think about him, or anything. He thought. So why the hell did you dream about him kissing you?!
He groaned. This sucks.
He finally sucked it up and put on black jeans, A Five Finger Death Punch t-Shirt he got at a concert, and a pair of sneakers. He grabbed his jacket and was out the door.
When he got to the Mess hall, there was only a couple of kids eating breakfast. Some were talking and some were just eating.
He grabbed an Apple and a pomegranate. He was eating the Apple and staring off into space. He was thinking about the Cupid Incident and How that went down. It still scares him that Cupid can just drag out your secret and make it look like the worst thing in the world. Or may seem weird but, he was recovering from that encounter. He didn't like feeling helpless and scared. He hated Cupid and all love. It was stupid to him.

That's until the "Star couple" entered the Mess hall.

He didn't notice them at first, but he did when the girls from the Aphrodite table started "whispering" about 'O.T.P' and 'I ship them.' He new immediately that it was Percy and Annabeth. Why? Because they have been together for like, ever. They have survived 2 wars, Tartarus ,and they love each other unconditionally, he thought bitterly.
He quickly finished his breakfast and walked quickly to the exit. He bumped into someone on The way out but didn't look up, he mumbled a 'sorry' and continued out. Soon he couldn't hear the voices and he ran to the woods.

He didn't stop until the sun was blocked out by the trees. He didn't stop until his tears came to a slow stop. I shouldn't be crying. He would repeat this over and over.
"Why can't I let go!!" He screamed, tears rushing down his face. He was fine this morning, but when he saw . . . Them, He broke. All over again.

He put his back into a tree and slid down, he then hugged his knees and cried. He cried for Bianca, he cried about his past, he cried for his Father and his mother, and . . . He cried for Percy. Percy Jackson. . . Its all because of him.

His tears came to a slow stop, and he couldn't stop sniffling. He finally got up and walked to his cabin with his head down. When he got into his cabin, he stopped crying and he changed into his pjs, which was only his boxers. He climbed into his bed and closed his eyes. This sucks. . .
Hey guys!!!!! Sorry for the depressing ending, I had a bad day and I was not feeling the love.
How are you guy's liking the story so far?!?!
In the next Chapter, I have a sweet surprise! !!! :) !!!
See you next Chapter !!

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