Chapter 6, Love y Chaos

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After the meeting with Reyna, Nico stayed at Camp Jupiter. He was laying on his back looking at the stars, on top of the Pluto Cabin. His eyes were droopy and the wind was blowing softly. He quickly fell asleep. . .

Darkness, that's all he saw. He was standing and as he looked around him, all he saw was Darkness. Until he spotted a red flare. It looked like a flare, but as he got closer, he saw it was a glowing chest. It looked exactly like the chest he had from his previous nightmare. He picked it up. Then he saw a flash of red and gold. . .

When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was falling down a long hole. He also noted that he was still holding the "Love" box. But, He didn't panic because he could easily shadow travel away. But when he tried to shadow travel, he did not succeed. He was about to do it again when a voice spoke.
Calm down child. You are not gonna perish. Just look around you, hm?
The voice spoke with intense sincerity and leaked with a deep Greek accent. At least it sounded like It was Greek.

He did as the voice told him and he looked around. He was still falling down but he was at a slower falling rate. Around him, he saw what looked like roses, engagement rings, chocolates, love letters and notes and many other abandoned love relics. Presents wrapped in pink and red wrapping paper, floated to him. He poked a red striped gift, and it wobbled and floated backwards.
"What is this place?", Nico finally asked. He had a very confusing and tiring week, so he was easily annoyed. He wasn't comfortable that everything being red and pink.
Ahh, the death child finally speaks.
Nico scoffed, but the voice continued.
This, Nico DiAngelo, is the bridge between Love and Chaos. This bridge connects the two forces to balance out the world. You wouldn't want all love and peace without a little destruction would you Nico DiAngelo?
Nico didn't answer, he just waited as he fell.

The voice chuckled at Nico.
Ah, you were always stubborn. You can't just have all love in the world son of Hades. The voice said to answer his own question.
If that were to happen, no one would perish and we all know what would happen if no body died.

Nico nodded, but more to himself. The voice was right. If no one died, the world would just crumble. Why? The fact that people and heroes can choose rebirth helps the world escalate and recycle itself. People can be born into trees and nature, or they can be born a person that helps the world in a way. That may sound fake and weird. But it's true. People, Nature, Death, Love, and the Gods are all connected. Unfortunately, Nico silently thought.
The voice continued.
This part of the tunnel represents Love. It could be a tragedy kind of love, incomplete kind of love, or a completed kind of love. In each and every story, chaos plays a part. Fighting, Abuse, Distrust, and so forth. Chaos and Love balances each other out. They need each other.
"Who's responsible for Love?", Nico asked still falling.
The voice laughed.
Oh Nico. Which two gods are love?
Nico's eyes widened.
The voice chuckled.
Yes my dear boy, both Aphrodite and Cupid run love. They make it interesting. And when they think a pair needs trouble, they call on Chaos.
"So why am I here?"
Because the pair feel that you are your own love and Chaos. That, to them, is rare. So. . They want to test you and see if you are really your own destruction. They want to show you things that you have seen, but in a different light. And as you watch, you can do nothing.
Nico was still falling, but around him the abandoned love turned gray. Roses withered, Rings rusted, Chocolates molded, and all things love, disappeared.
He was frightened. He had never been so frightened. He hated love, he always knew that it took everything away from you. He never knew that Chaos was a part of it. He again tried to shovel travel but the voice spoke again.
This is not your father's realm or the Earth Nico DiAngelo. This is The Bridge. You can't just Vanish.
Nico tried to cover up his fear with anger.
"W-Who are you?!", He yelled.
The voice simply replied:
He closed his eyes, when he opened them he was in front of a dark castle. He was kneeling and his hands where in shackles. He didn't know how, at one scond, he was falling and the next he was kneeling in front of two big black doors, with shackles. He was about to stand up, when the doors opened and two people came out. He thought they were people until he saw there eyes. They were pure black.
The 'people' wore Black armour with gleaming imperial gold swords at their hips. They grabbed Nico by the arms and lifted him off the ground. He was still a bit dazed.

As they took him into the castle, he looked around.
The castles interior was a lot different from the outside. Every 5ft or so, a torch was placed. The fire in the torch was a deep scarlet red. It was pretty in a dangerous way. Flowers were also placed her and there, either in hanging-pots or in statues. They usually were blood red roses or vanilla white lilies. He saw all this in one long ass hallway. Once he and the guards got out if the hallway, Nico saw a statue of a male and a female in a dance position. The female was in a dip as the male held onto her with one hand and stroked her face with the other. There were a bunch of statues like this one in the huge room. But this one was in the middle of the room. Behind the statue, two staircases were lined up, one going right and up. The other one, left and up. But they both lead to a platform above them, with a red door.

Nico took a breathe and looked up as the guards dragged him across the room. Above him, was a Crystal and glass chandelier. It was Huge and beautiful. The room also had a bunch of other doors off to the sides and more statues. It also smelled like vanilla rum. When they got to the platform, the guard on the right pounded on the door until another one opened it and took a look at us. He nodded and let us in.

There was another long hallway until we entered a Throne room of sorts. There was two major thrones, each gold and dark red. In one chair a man sat. He had a comfortable kind of pale skin, dark hair, and blood red eyes. He also had huge snow white wings, with a bow and arrow over his shoulder. He was also wearing dark jeans, combat boots, and a dark red button up silk shirt. As the God saw Nico, he smiled.
"Ah, Son of Hades. So nice to see you again. How has Amorebieta and Dicé been treating you? Well I presume. Leave us please."
The guards let go of me and I inspected my arms, they were very red and they would be bruised later. I didn't say a thing. I didn't even notice the other figure until she spoke.
"Cupid dear, why don't you introduce us? I have heard of the dear boy, but I haven't yet met him."
Cupid smiled, "Aphrodite, this is Nico DiAngelo. Nico DiAngelo, this is Aphrodite."
I looked at the goddesss.
She had blonde hair that was piled up to a fancy bun, with a few run us here and there. She had a dress that was a dark red and spilled unto the floor. It was long sleeved and it showed both shoulders and collar bone. She had midnight Brown eyes and they were all but kind.
She smiled and got down from her throne, she walked over to Nico with her heels clicking on the floor. He looked up as she grabbed his shackles and gestured for him to get up.
"Nico, dear. You know why your here, correct?"
I nodded and both of the Love God's smiled.
"Then this shouldn't be to hard to understand."
Aphrodite then touched my forehead and I lost all consciousness.

Oooohhhhhhhhh, be prepared for the feels lady's and gents! And thank you guys for voting and reading my story!! Means a lot to me!! X*)
Anywhosit!! Thanks for reading! See you next chapter!! X3

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