53 - The Oscars Part Two.

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Harry Styles

Penelope and I's film won all three Oscars it was nominated for. The cinematography Oscar, the costume design Oscar, and the best female actress in a leading role went to Penelope. It was the best night of my entire life.

When I opened that envelope and saw her name there, I had to fight back tears and I could barely even get my words out. I was so proud, so fuckin proud because there's not one person who deserved that award more than Penelope. Proud doesn't even do it justice, I can't put what I felt into words, I couldn't even try.

She waited for me when the award finished, and she had already gone and got all her pictures with her new trophy. The cast are all heading to an after party together, but Penelope wanted to wait for me. When I seen her, standing there with that innocent smile on her face, all dressed up and pretty looking, I almost went weak in the knees.

She won an Oscar, a fucking Oscar.

Little Miss 'Nobody Even Knows Who I Am' won an Oscar.

"How's my beautiful Oscar winner?" I asked, wrapping an arm around her to land an intimate kiss on her lips, well past the point of caring what lipstick ends up on my lips.

"Dreaming, I think." She smiled, leaning into me as we walked off to head to the after party together.

"You're not dreaming babe," I sighed, kissing the side of her head. "This is your life now sweetheart, big award shows and fancy dresses. You worked hard for it, so damn hard, way too hard to put this down to whatever chemicals in your brain have created this fantasy. You did this, you worked for it Penny, you're not dreaming at all."

"Feels like I'm dreaming."

Penelope just sighed and rested her head on my shoulder, linking arms with me as we tracked down the car which is supposed to take us over to join the rest of the cast. Part of me didn't want to, part of me wants her all to myself, but she deserves to be celebrated tonight.

I called my mum before I came to the awards, Penelope was getting ready and I had some time to myself. I spoke for twenty minutes about how much I love Penelope, and how I see a bright future for us. Our own family, a house together back home, a million more red carpets together. I want a life with Penelope, I love her with everything I have.

My mum answered all the questions I needed to ask, and then proceeded to confess her love for Penelope too. I can picture my mother at home on the couch, watching as I called Penelope's name. She'd have been so happy, cheering her on like she's one of her own.

Life right now just feels perfect, and I've been searching for this feeling forever.

Penelope and I arrived, and when we walked in, we were greeted with a massive cheer, for Penelope of course. Derek, the director, gave her a massive hug, and a bottle of champagne to thank her and congratulate her. The whole cast were so proud, so happy, and it's because she's the best person to work with. Penny has the kindest soul, everybody fell in love with her and they couldn't be happier for her.

Nobody is more proud than me though.

I stood next to Bondy and Sarah, both of them were seated next to Penny all night so they'd already said their congratulations. The two of them deserved Oscars too, they played such huge roles, but Penelope, she out shined us all. She's more talented than she'd ever let on.

I learned that when I took her to see Chicago. I never knew what theatre was like to work on until then, I didn't know the true talent that it took. She's far too modest, if I was her, I'd scream it from the rooftops, but I'm not. Her modesty makes her Penelope Atwoods though, I hope she never changes.

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