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Penelope Atwood

Smithy, my manager, has managed to get me a role in a new film, one that will act as my big American breakthrough.

I've acted before, in series, films and Broadway, but mainly in the UK. I moved to L.A. last month and already, I've been casted as the main character in a 60's rom-com, so thankfully the move was worth the gamble. There are a lot more work opportunities over here and I really do want to make it as an actress, and my god am I trying.

I'm playing opposite Harry Styles, he's an incredible actor, but I'm nervous to play opposite him because he probably looks down on me. I'm not an Oscar winning actress at all, and I'm not all blonde hair and long legs either. He's part of the Hollywood three, Harry, Timmy, and Bondy, who is also going to be in the film. They're America's favourite three men, known for how they have a long queue of girls falling at their feet.

I don't get it though, I don't understand the fascination with wanting somebody who has so many people after them. Everyone loves their bad boy, untouchable Filmstar image, but when you work in the industry, people like that are a nightmare. They make everything difficult and aren't always the nicest people. A lot of people seem to lose their respect the second their lives get put under a spotlight.

Today, we're doing a script read through with the whole cast. Smithy and I turned up early and spoke to some of the other cast members, and producers et cetera. Everyone is beyond excited for the film, and the people I spoke to were lovely, which has definitely eased my nerves about filming my first project over here in the states.

We all sat down, ready to start and unsurprisingly, Harry and Bondy were yet to show up. We all spoke about the film, the characters, and what is expected of us, and they were still yet to show. Then we spoke about technicalities, and eventually, we heard the door squeak open.

Two guys showed up ten minutes later, one of them took his seat, Bondy, kicked his feet up on the desk looking more relaxed than ever. Harry, had a toothpick hanging from his lips, pale blue jeans and a white tee which was tight around the arms, definitely bought a size too small.

Harry sat down at his desk, then his eyes met mine. His big green eyes felt as though they were drilling two holes right through me, but I tried to not let it intimidate me. He looked deep in thought, eyes squinted and his chin rested on his fist. I did look away, however his gaze remained focussed on me and it was a little unsettling.

"Harry, as I'm sure you've gathered form the intense stare you've given Miss-"

"Yeah whatever." Harry interrupted the director, flicking to the first page of the script and breaking his stare, finally. "Are we reading this or not?"

Harry looked at Bondy, one of his friends who had a smirk on his face. The look they shared was somewhat terrifying, a typical look two guys who think that can get any girl they want would share. They've both looked at every woman in the mom, made up their mind about her based on her appearance and reported back to each other with a glance. It's awful.

"Well? The fuck are we waiting for?" Harry shrugged, looking at me with a nod, a silent way of telling me to say my opening line and begin this script read though.

It's a film about two people who live next door to each other, they refuse to fall in love, yet the whole film is spent with the falling in love and not knowing it. It's a sweet movie, it really is and to play a role like this, I'm so excited. I have the opening line and the closing line, that's a big thing nowadays.

Harry really is a good actor, for a second I forgot he was Harry Styles and not George who had nothing but kind,sweet loving words to say to Betty. The whole cast is so beyond talented and so are the screenwriters. This is going to be big, I know it.

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