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Penelope atwoods

Austin left this morning, and because it was a Sunday, we had the day off. Sarah and I decided we'd go for dinner tonight, to celebrate the fact we've got a night off and that yesterday's filming wasn't totally difficult. We also had a lot to discuss, clearly.

She started hitting on my brother, not realising he was my brother. She was incredibly sorry about it all, but to be honest, Sarah is the one girl I'd approve of for hitting on my brother. It's better than Harry stealing him, corrupting him with his weird, jackass methods of getting girls.

"So, Timmy fell out with Bondy and Harry apparently." Sarah said as we walked into town. "Read it in the paper, they both fell out with him and everyone's talking about it. The Hollywood three are splitting up."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, apparently Timmy's nose was out of joint, all about the fact he didn't get a role in the film," Sarah explains, "who knows, who cares? Except I do, I love drama."

Timmy and Harry falling out would make sense, I've not seen them together much but when I have, they just bickered. Timmy would show up on set, and Harry would go away with Bondy instead. It doesn't surprise me if they have fallen out, Harry never really spoke highly of Timmy to me.

The Hollywood Three though, are huge. There's three films all of them are in, and they're so popular purely because people like seeing them act together. They walk around town in front of paparazzi knowing the papers will love it. Them splitting up is huge, and people are bound to take sides and when you're part of a trio, somebody is always left alone.

Perhaps it's a PR move, that also wouldn't surprise me. It's hard to tell what's real and what's fake in this , and in Hollywood, it's so much worse. There's a very fine line between what's real air fake over here, and that line is also extremely blurred.

That's why I struggle with how on and off Harry and i's so-called friendship is. I worry that in times like today, he's acting like my friend just for money, just because it's good press. Trust is a big thing, especially when it's somebody like Harry, who treats you like a piece of shit one minute, and like his long time best friend the next minute.

I don't trust him, not at all, and especially not after his sudden change in attitude. Harry's said it a million times, he knows how things work over here and I don't, he could be doing this just for money, or he could do it because he genuinely feels bad. I think it'll be a while until I begin to trust him, and I might never trust him if he doesn't prove he's not a total ass, even then, I'll be worried it's all just an act.

Speak of the devil.

Sarah and I were walking along the roadside, when Harry's easily recognisable car honked at us and gave both of us a fright. Bondy was sitting in the passenger seat and they were shouting something we couldn't quite hear, whilst driving slowly to meet our pace.

"What is going on?" Sarah chuckled, looking at me like she was fed up of them.

"What are they saying?" I asked her, we came to a halt and tried to read their lips.

"What do you want!?" Sarah shouted, causing us both to laugh. We decided to walk over to their car instead of shouting at them, and I think we were both praying that they weren't just shouting cat calls at us, we wouldn't be surprised. "What?"

Bondy was at the kerbside, one arm hanging overhead door as Sarah stood with her arms older asking what they wanted. Harry was driving, sunglasses on which he removed when we approached, only to give me a quick wink and tuck them into the pocket on his lilac silk shirt, again, only the bottom few buttons fastened.

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