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Harry Styles

Bondy and I drove around for a while, then I dropped him at home, went to my apartment and read my script, made myself beans on toast for my dinner, and had a nap. I spent a whole two hours asleep on my couch and I don't think I've ever slept that well in my damn life.

Then I realised Bondy and I had a plan, and I was half an hour late to pick him up. I shot up, grabbed my keys and my wallet and ran to my car. I don't think I even locked my door but the main door to the whole apartment block locks automatically, that should mean I'm safe. Who locks their front doors twenty four seven anyway?

Luckily, Bondy stays round the corner so I was there in less than five minutes. I didn't have to sound my horn, which is exactly what I like, Bondy came out as soon as he heard me pull up. None of these four beeps and a million rings of the doorbell shit. Efficiency, I like it.

The only place I'm not a fan of efficiency, is the bedroom. I'm the opposite when it comes to that, but in all other aspects of my life, I like to be efficient. I don't like hanging around, it's boring, and if I've to wait more than five minutes I'll give up. I don't have the patience.

Bondy climbed in and we drove off to Timmy's place, we have a few questions to ask him. As Part of our trio, we usually share everything, tell each other what we're planning or who we're seeing. Timmy kept that one quiet about picking up Penelope from the studio today. It was sly, and I didn't like it.

She's my opposite roles, my co-star, and my on screen love interest, why would he be driving her around? He knows how it works, me and her go together for film press, not Timmy, who didn't even land a role in the movie. If anything, Bondy should have been giving her a ride, not Timmy. She's not for him.

Timmy doesn't lock his door, so we invited ourselves in and luckily there were no naked women asleep on his couch like there was a few weeks ago. It was just him, at his kitchen table with a plate containing a sandwich, which looks like it was made by a nine year old.

"Sure, welcome in. Make yourselves at home." He remarked sarcastically as Bondy made himself comfortable on his couch.

I opened his fridge and grabbed myself a coke, sat up on his countertop and let him eat away at his sandwich before delving in with the questions about his plans with Penelope. As a friend, I'm curious, he usually only screws girls, not give them little rides home. I don't care that it was Penelope, I want to know why he's not telling us anything, why he's being secretive.

"What's in the sandwich?" I asked him, opening my nice cold can I took from his fridge, unfortunately for him it was his last one.


"Cool, do you plan on fucking Penelope?"

"Harry?!" Bondy sat up, looking at me like I was being ridiculous as Timmy dropped his sandwich and motioned with his hands again, like I was being ridiculous. "What happened to subtlety?"

"Just asking, god." I rolled my eyes, looking back at Timmy who's explanation I was actually quite excited to hear.

I don't like secrets unless it's me keeping them. There's a very fine line between secrecy and straight up lies, and I'm not a fan of how ridiculously blurred that line can become. That blurry line, only gets worse in Hollywood, this whole place is built on lies and deceit.

Bondy got up from the couch and pulled a chair from the table to sit on backwards, pulled Timmy's plate away from him because this was turning into more of an interrogation than a friendly conversation. We're just curious, that's all. It's out of character for him, to care about things beyond a quick fuck, and Timmy is one guy who likes efficiency in all aspects of his life.

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