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Penelope Atwoods

I've tried on four dresses so far and I'm still so undecided. They're all such big dresses and I'm just a random girl from England turning up to this premier beside Harry styles, nobody will know who I am therefore I don't think I'm really qualified to be wearing dresses like these.

Sarah seems to be a natural at this, she picked her outfit a lot quicker than I did, a beautiful red dress that matches her dark brown hair and complexion. She makes it look so easy, but then again she's done this a few times. I've never been to a film premier.

A lady, Agness, pulled out the gorgeous yellow dress and I tried it on. It was beautiful,and barely needed altering. The neckline was quite low but it didn't feel too revealing. Yellow is a colour I always feel cautious about, because sometimes I think it makes me look really pale and clashes with my hair, but this dress doesn't. It's gorgeous.

"That's the one!" Sarah cheered, rushing over to me. "Oh my god penelope you look killer, Harry's going to die! Why don't you look impressed?"

Sarah stood directly in front of me and grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to look at her. It was like she was trying to read what I was thinking, squinting her eyes at me like my mother would after telling me to behave at school for the day. I smiled at her, trying to let my genuine happiness overrule this strange feeling of self doubt and self consciousness that's far too loud right now.

"You do know you're Hollywood's new it girl? You were invited for a reason Penelope." Sarah said, crossing her arms as she looked at me. "I saw the look on your face when you saw this dress, I know you love it. Stop putting yourself down and acting like you're not some movie star!"

Smiling, I chuckled and nodded my head. I took a deep breath and told the lady that I'd take this one. My manager smithy went and made calls to the people sorting Harry's suit because apparently he needs to have a similar colour scheme because we're going together.

Sarah let out a little cheer too, she held my face and kissed my head in excitement and then hurried off and shut the curtain so I could get changed again. Harry told me to pick a colour he'd look good in, I think yellow would suit him. I called him Sunny sarcastically, but him in yellow would be a nice sight too I guess. He wears those pastel silk shirts and I bet he's got a yellow one too.

Once I was changed I stayed to speak to all the people who helped, thanking them for their efforts and listening to what they do for a living, Sarah and I headed out. It was actually really interesting, the ladies there have a real passion for what they do and I love seeing people talk happily about what they do. I think it's so sweet.

We decided to walk home, it wouldn't take long and unlike Harry, Sarah and I like to make use of our legs rather than driving absolutely everywhere. I asked about her and Bondy, but she shut me down and said it was nothing for me to worry about right now. I wasn't worrying though, I was just curious, extremely curious.

There was a little corner shop in sight, and walking under the heat was exhausting so we headed in to trap a bottle of water. I grabbed a lemon and lime flavoured bottle and Sarah grabbed a coke, however as soon as I went to pay the lady from behind the counter pointed at me and told me to follow her.

"This is you? No?" She said, pointing at one of the local newspapers I've never heard of.

She was right, Sarah came over too to see what she was on about. It was a picture of Harry and I from last night, walking up my street and the headline was 'star crossed co-stars'. To think we were just walking home and somebody was waiting to grab a picture terrifies me. I knew it happened a lot more over here, but I didn't know people could take pictures so close to people's homes.

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