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Penelope Atwoods

It feels like it's taken forever, but day one of filming is officially complete.

Sarah and I stood outside having a smoke before parting ways. We've spent a lot of time together today and it's been good to get to know her so far. I'm looking forward to working with her. Working with my other co-star, I'm not feeling so great. Maybe I would be if he wasn't such a self obsessed asshole.

Regardless of my encounter with him on my lunch break, and the constant snide comments and rude glares inside, it was actually a pretty successful day. By the end of the day we managed to get some scenes done on the first try, which always comes down to how comfortable you are with the rest of the cast, hence the reason the more romantic scenes are left until later.

I'm dreading those. How I'm going to act like I love Harry I don't know, but it's not Harry, it's George, and I'm Betty. George is a great guy, which makes it easier, it's just a pity he's played by such a rude, mean person who thinks everyone is in love with him.

"See you tomorrow?" Sarah said, stubbing her cigarette out with the heel of her shoe.

Just as I was about to respond though, a car pulled up and in the driver's seat, was Timmy. Sarah widened her eyes at me, nodded towards him and mouthed 'go on', to which I tried to mouth back something along the lines of 'go away' and 'what' combined, which apparently doesn't work.

Then came the sound of two guys, cigarettes between their lips and that same evil laughter echoing through all of our eardrums, as if we've not heard enough of it this afternoon. Harry and Bondy both climbed into Timmy's car, not even opening the door because why would they? It would ruin their 'cool' image, apparently cool people don't need to open doors when the car doesn't have a roof.

"Get out you hooligans! I'm here for pretty Penny over there!" Timmy exclaimed, much to both of the boys' surprise, as well as mine and Sarah's.

"What?!" I shot back.

"It's Penelope." Harry said, brown knitted together in confusion as he sat on his back seat. "And what? Why?"

"'Cause she's a lot fitter than you aint she?" Timmy laughed, "bog off Harry you brought your own ride! Saw it in the car park, nothing gets past me I'm telling you."

Harry rolled his eyes and climbed out of Timmy's car, Bondy sat in the passenger seat, just looked more offended than the man that his friend had come to pick up a girl rather than him. I don't suppose it's something he's not used to though, they're the type of guys to do shit like this all the time. I'm not that easily fooled.

I looked at Sarah, a cry for help almost. Harry and Bondy stormed off leaving me stuck between Sarah and Timmy, wondering what in god's name I'm supposed to do right now. Sarah seems to think I should go with Timmy, I however strongly disagree. Until smithy, my own manager appeared in the doorway and flashed me a wink as he looked at Timmy, then I thought maybe a ride home wouldn't be the worst thing I could do. As frustrating as it is to admit, I like getting a rise out of Harry and if taking a ride from his friend does that then so be it.

Like a normal person, I opened Timmy's car door and sat down in the passenger seat. Sarah gave me a little wave and a wink, followed by a sky thumbs up. As I put my seatbelt on, Timmy waited till I was fastened in before turning on his engine, however didn't start driving as Harry and Bondy decided to pull up at his side for a brief moment.

"Wrong guy Penelope!" Harry shouted over at me, "wrong fucking guy."

His voice quietened as he drove off, vanished into the distance and behind a corner doing a probable 10 above the speed limit. But it's Harry Styles, he gets a free pass for everything that's frowned upon apparently.

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