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Penelope Atwoods

8PM, on the dot.

Harry rang my bell at exactly eight, his car showed up just minutes before, but he didn't ring until eight. There he was standing with his hands in his pockets, a leather jacket and the sides of his hair slicked back, leaving the top all soft and curly. He had a pair of sunglasses tucked into the neck of his white cotton t-shirt too.

"Good evening gorgeous, you're looking tip top, who's the lucky guy?" Harry asked, shuffling over so I could lock my front door.

With no clue what Harrys plans for tonight were, I settled with a pink summer dress and white canvas shoes. Harry didn't really give too much away about his plans for tonight, so I had to try to find something casual, but not too casual.

"Pretty Penny looking pretty in pink," he smirked, holding an arm out so he could walk me to the car. He then chuckled, gave me a little wink and to answer my confusion, responded by saying, "Pink to make the boys wink."

"What's the plan?" I asked as he opened the car door for me and helped me in, cheekily kissing my knuckles before shutting the door and wandering round his side of the car.

He started the car with a grin, waiting for the song 'Ain't No Sunshine', to play, to which he then proceeded. As a respond to my question, he clicked his tongue and as he started driving off, he reached into the glove compartment in front of me to pull out a first aid kit.

"What's that for?" I asked, confused.

"For Miss Clumsy over there," Harry chuckled, "in case you take a tumble getting out my car again, or later, thought I'd grab a few bandages just in case you hurt yourself...cause I'm good at hurting you apparently, wanna get good at fixing you too."

"Where on earth are you taking me?" I asked him again, laughing a little, but also slightly nervous now that he's gone out and bought a first aid kit.

"Don't shit your pants, I'll take care of you." Harry laughed, reaching over to grab my hand. "It's just day one, didn't have a lot of time to plan this one out like the others so this was my best last minute idea, have faith in me peach. Promise I'll make these five days worth it, just trust me, 'kay?"

I nodded my head, regardless of the fact Harry is the last person I trust right now. However, I don't think there's anything he could do tonight which would make matters worse. Part of me is excited though, the suspense and not knowing what could happen, it's exciting, yet nerve racking at the same time.

I didn't recognise where Harry was taking me, it was unfamiliar territory. He didn't wipe the smile off his face the whole way there, singing his love songs and occasionally shooting me a glance, acting oblivious to the fact the songs he'd play were representative of words we hadn't found the courage to say to each other.

Eventually he pulled into some warehouse, parked his car between a and BMW, then looked at me excitedly. There were people passing by, heading inside and they all looked so excited too, which put me at ease. Harry tapped my thigh before climbing out the car to come and help me up, an unnecessary gesture, yet one Harry never fails to do.

When he pulled me to my feet, he looked down at my glossy lips as if he was going to do the usual, beg for a kiss, but he didn't. Instead he smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear, tightened my ponytail and then took me by the hand to head inside. He did light up a cigarette for us to share too, snuck a possessive arm around my waist as we walked by a group of guys Harry seemed to know. Perhaps he didn't know them, but he gave them a nod as if he did. Then again, he's Harry Styles.

"Where are we?" I whispered, confused over what this setting was, and grateful for Harry's passive arm as the feeling of those guys staring makes me uncomfortable.

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