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Harry Styles

Bondy asked me to go out tonight, but I said no. I couldn't, not when I've got very important television to watch tonight.

I went to the shop earlier for popcorn and a crate of beers, so I could celebrate Penny's victory. That was it for the evening, apparently the second a girl makes your heart beat a couple times faster you lose the will to live when she's not around.

That was it for the evening, I sat on my couch with my feet kicked up on the arm rest, stretched out over the whole three cushions with a can of beer on the floor next to a bowl of popcorn. I remember the days where I'd be out every night, at a club or some bar getting shit faced for the fun of it. Now I'm pining for the sweetest woman I've laid my eyes on, on the sofa lying down waiting for her to make an appearance on my tv screen.

To be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. Penelope's more than worth it.

She's been gone two days and I haven't heard from her yet, but the time difference has probably fucked her up so as long as she was getting her beauty sleep for the big night, I don't mind. Then again, Penny doesn't need beauty sleep, she's already beautiful.

There were so many people walking that carpet, and each time the camera moved I got excited thinking they'd show Penelope, but they didn't. I don't care about the pop stars, because what good are they doing at a film award show? They're getting too much screen time on the red carpet and it's frustrating me. Why aren't they showing my Penny? She's the real star of the show.

My doorbell rang, and I ignored it originally, because right now I'm extremely busy and preoccupied. I will not miss Penelope winning her well deserved BAFTA. Promised her I'd be sat here like her biggest fan, and you best believe I'll be fulfilling that promise.

It rung again though, and again, and again, so with a sigh and a groan, I got up from the couch to go and open my front door to whichever idiot can't take a hint and fuck off. I swear if I miss Penelope on the red carpet because of some twat I'll be livid.

When I opened the door, it was Bondy and Sarah standing there. Bondy had a box of cider and Sarah had a bottle of wine and bag of crisps. The two of them have me a smile and for some reason, I split a grin back at them. I feel like Penelope would like the idea of her friends all sitting together celebrating her win as if she was here with us, so I couldn't help but invite them in.

Sarah helped herself to a glass, Bondy tossed his ciders down on my table and we all sat comfortably round my tv, waiting for Penelope to show her face on my screen. Not only is she such a ray of sunshine in my life, but she is to Bondy and Sarah too. She'd never believe that though, she's too humble.

She's my sunshine though. She may shine brightly in absolutely everyone's life, but she shines a little brighter for me. That's what I like to tell myself.

"There she is!" Sarah exclaimed excitedly, pointing at my tv with a grin on her face, to which I shot up and squinted my eyes my heart racing as the thought of Penelope walking a red carpet on her own races through my mind. "In the blue! She's there!"

Sarah was right, there she was in the most stunning, perfect royal blue dress. She looks insane, like some Angel fallen from above. My jaw dropped seeing her confidence, the way she flaunts the low back of the dress and wears this smirk as if she knows that I'm sitting here watching, speechless.

"Alright, pick your chin up off the floor Styles!" Bindy chuckled, hitting me on the shoulder.

"Shut up," Sarah nudged him, "she looks gorgeous, oh my god."

"She's going for an interview, look." I said, watching as she disappeared into the background towards some guy with a microphone. "What channel is that? Is it live? Can any of you make out what's on his mic?"

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