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Penelope Atwoods

Today marks the final day on set before the film goes into production.

Spirits are high today, everyone seems to be in the greatest mood and everyone is having fun. The people in charge brought pastries and fruit for us all, some 'thank you' gesture for being able to get through the filming process so efficiently. It's been a real fun day actually, it's nice seeing everyone get along.

The last scene to be filmed is just Harry and I, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little sad to see the filming come to an end. I've really fallen in love with playing Betty, however I suppose the good thing is that it's going into production to be made into a film I can watch over and over.

It's crazy how much things can change in a matter of weeks. I started filming and dreaded coming everyday, because I was terrified of what Harry would say or do. Now however, despite the fact I'm not sure how to feel about him, I sure as hell don't feel apprehensive about coming here. I've made friends, has fun, and for this being my first film to take place in America, it hasn't put me off of Hollywood.

In my dressing room for the last time, there was just one outfit left hanging up and it was such a bittersweet sight. I got changed into that sweet, lilac dress and for the last time, stood looking at myself in that full length mirror. The final outfit change. The final costume. The final scene.

And the final time Harry comes knocking on my dressing room door with a tie in his hands, apparently.

In he walked before I could even open the door, and with the biggest grin on his face he passed me his tie and flipped up his collar so I'd help. It's almost become tradition that I do this for him, and this'll be the last time. I'm not sure I'll miss seeing Harry's face everyday, but I sure as hell won't be glad that it's gone.

"Gonna wear ties all the time now. I think they make me look smart, agree?"," Harry explained, looking down at me as I fiddled with the fabric around his neck to get it to sit right for him. "I'll swing by your place and get you to tie them for me, deal?"

"Hmmm," I chuckled, "what do I get out of this deal? Your annoying face showing up at my door?"

"Ouch Penny, that was harsh. You love my annoying face? No?" Harry pouted, placing his hands over the top of both of mine as I went to move them back by my side, and Harry held them against his chest. "You get a kiss from me, every time you tie my tie."

I squinted my eyes at him and shook my head, Harry pursed his lips and moved his head or ears in a joking way, knowing it wasn't going to result in an actual kiss but doing it to evoke laughter. He was successful in that, when I laughed he pulled back and acted offended, like this rejection was the first he's faced and like it deeply hurt him.

"You know how many girls would die if I offered to kiss them everyday?" Harry tutted, "you know how many girls would die if I offered to kiss them right now? Can I? Please?"

"Watch it." I said bluntly.

Harry pushed a stray curl behind my ear and both his hands held my face just in front of his chest, tilted upwards so I was looking directly at him. The smile on his face wasn't a smirk, or a grin that was supposed to wind me up, it was just a smile, a genuine smile.

If this was a few weeks ago, things would be so different. I wouldn't be standing here with a smile on my face looking back at him, and Harry wouldn't even be here looking at me like this. I'd never say it to Harry, but I much prefer the way things are now. It's easier and it's just a lot better.

"Prettiest face I've seen in my life, swear on my beautiful mother's life." Harry whispered, his thumb smoothing over my cheekbone.

"I'm sure you say that to every girl that you-"

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