Chapter 31-In another pack

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The wolves accompanied them to a village not unlike their own. Lots of slide-on glass and wood and Louis could even see pillow rooms.

Only the arrangement was different and here the park seemed to be more in the middle of the village. With a large space in it, where a large campfire was just lit.

Humans and wolves were scattered about the square. Everyone looked at them, but didn't seem dismissive or unfriendly.

The wolf next to Harry made a bark-like noise, causing most of the wolves to run towards them.

Louis was immediately frightened as they all crowded around their guests. Neither of them towered over Harry, but he was still afraid they might crush his legs.

"Hhhh Harry..." he admitted, whimpering slightly quietly by himself.

But he just nodded his head, which looked a bit strange. But Louis understood the gesture. It was okay for Harry, so it had to be okay for Louis too. So he waited no less anxiously.

Eventually, the wolves began to transform, so Harry let Louis slide to the ground and transformed as well. As soon as Harry stood there in human form, he had Louis trying to hide at him.

He put Harry's hand on his neck himself.

He'd noticed before that while the gesture was punitive at times, it also helped him tremendously when he was unsure, or off sought assistance for other reasons.

Harry, in turn, loved it when his omega did that. Even if the extent of his gesture was of course not clear and he was definitely too young to address it.

"Hello Harry. I'm glad to finally be able to welcome you and your people back with us." A man with dark brown hair suddenly spoke.

"We are very pleased to be here, Noan." Harry smiled and the two men hugged. Louis looked very suspiciously at the man, a stranger to him.

"Wow, your omega.." he said now impressed and looked at Louis' face, which glared at him suspiciously.

Noan was smart. He always has been. Of course he was receptive to Louis' lovely scent and of course it had mesmerised him for a good hour before he even saw him. After all Noan was an Alpha without, an Omega.

Nevertheless, he had first greeted Harry and made it clear with two utterances that he recognised that little Omega belonged to him. Still, he couldn't look away now. The little one was good. Noan had seen that he had placed Harry's hand on his neck on his own.

Christ, in life he would never have such self-control as Harry. The little one's determined look alone almost made him hard. Plus that scent...

"MY Omega is tired from the journey. I'd like to put him down." Harry broke the fixation on Louis from Noan.

"Of course. Come on. You guys have the same house as always, if that's okay?" Noan asked, turning around immediately.

He had heard Harry's subliminal growl. If he had kept his eyes on Louis, his longtime friend would have jumped on him. And he himself couldn't even blame him.

"Thank you very much. It's perfect." Harry smiled, now grabbing Louis slightly in the neck, which caused several people to turn away with a slight blush. Niall ran along in wolf form.

Louis had no idea what everyone was up to, so he just ignored them. They came into one of the houses and

Harry was about to push Louis into the pillows when he asked softly, "Are you staying here?"

"No, I'm going out again."

"Bu-" Louis' objection was immediately interrupted by Harry's growl.

Sadly, he crawled into the pillows and snuggled into Niall's fur.

"Zayn will come in a moment and stay with you guys." Harry said before opening the glass wall and stepping out of the pillow room and out of the house. At least Louis could still see him.

Of course, when Zayn came, Harry quickly disappeared.

"Sleep, little one." Zayn grunted, pushing Niall in human form slightly different between the Pillows before grabbing Louis and draping him in the middle of him and Niall. That's how they slept whenever they are close together with several. The weaker, the more central. Only the Alpha was also centred around everyone equally to be able to protect.

Louis found it a bit funny that Zayn would do it himself when there were three of them and one of them was Niall. What was Niall supposed to do? The most he could do was stand in the way and then hope to be tripped over. If everyone were as clumsy as Harry, that would even be quite possible.

Although Louis had also noticed that it was quite comfortable to sleep like that. In fact, he was never alone. There was always someone with him. Especially, but not only at night, it was quite nice.



"How long are we staying here?"

"Don't know. Sleep."

Louis endured it for a few minutes before he started talking again.



"I can not sleep."

"No wonder. You have to close your eyes too."

"No... What are they doing out there now?"

"Celebrating. That's the norm. We haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Does that mean they sing and dance or do wolves celebrate some other way?"

"Er... A bit of both."

"If I ask, you don't answer, do you?"




Again Louis only managed to lie still for a short moment.



"Do you want to celebrate too?"



"Because I take care of you."

"Why? They're friends."

"Yes. But there are some hooligans here. Before something happens... Apart from that, you would never stay here otherwise. You would sneak up behind us."

"I want to party too."

"You are too small."

"Oh man, what do you actually say when I'm 18? Then the argument won't work anymore."

"Sleep now."

"When is Harry coming?"

"Lou, sleep." Zayn growled.

Grumbling, he turned to Niall and snuggled up to him. This time he actually stayed calm.

Louis didn't catch Harry and Liam showing up at some point. He didn't realise how Harry in human form sniffed and licked him and finally fell asleep. With Louis halfway under him and Liam, Zayn and Niall around.

Alpha and Omega. Strength and weakness as a unit and thus as the centre of the pack.

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