Chapter 13-Resignation

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When Louis woke up, he was irritated.

Shouldn't he hear a beep?

Have the smell of disinfectants in his nose?

Wouldn't he have to be washed and therefore feel clean?

All of that wasn't like that.

Louis opened his eyes and felt terrible. He was staring at a yellowed ceiling when suddenly a voice spoke from the next room.

"Yes, found him.... Approached me.... No, nobody else was there.... Yes, got him here.... No, can't go... Pick up right now. Got it I still have visitors, he has to leave by then..." Someone was obviously phoning because of him. And not with an ambulance or that Police.

That was not good.

Louis turned his head to the side. He would need... There! There was a cell phone on the table. Heavens, he was lucky once too!

Louis grabbed it quickly.

Glancing nervously down the hall, he dialed the police number, sobbing shakily.

"Hello, what emergency would you like to report?"

"Hello," Louis whispered shakily, "This is Louis To-"

"Could you please speak up?"

"No... I... Please! I've been stolen. I'm Louis Tomlin-" Louis wanted to continue, but suddenly there were feet in his field of vision.

Next, he felt a hard hit to the head and fainted once more.

When he woke up again, he was still in the same room. However, the phone was gone. Naturally it was.

Louis had been miserable before, but now he felt absolutely miserable.

The stomachache from hunger had turned into a biting nausea and his headache now made him feel like his head was about to explode. Everything suddenly looked blurry with colors that were far too bright.

Doesn't matter. He had to go. Maybe there were neighbors who would help him. He wanted to leave as quickly as possible in his condition. Go to the window, open the window and escape.

It worked, but it took forever.

Louis escaped through a sort of vegetable garden and staggered across a small lawn, between bushes, towards the street.

First, he would only have a small tarred one cross the yard, but then the yard would finally be behind him.

Blurred blobs showed him that there were indeed neighboring houses.

Until then, he kept trying to motivate himself. In the end he almost ran in front of a car, what turned damn fast into the yard.

The driver braked quickly, switched off the car and hurried to Louis who kept whimpering "Help".

At least until he heard a voice say, "Oh, no. Louis." Not just any voice, but Liam's.

Louis couldn't even faint to face his own misery. Otherwise, he would have loved to do it immediately.

He would have liked to have missed the farmer coming out and getting really upset because Louis had just called the police. Would have preferred to have missed the threats to himself and Liam's bloody menacing growl that followed.

He would have happily slept through ending up back in the trunk and being carried away again hoping for his old life back to be able to get.

Louis didn't really realize how long it took them to get back. Even though he couldn't faint or sleep, he felt sick and exhausted.

Liam didn't say a word, which was just fine with Louis.

When the car finally stopped, the trunk was ripped open and Lou stood there, lifted Louis out of the car and took him back to the hospital room and laid him on the couch.

Louis said nothing. What for? It didn't matter what he said or wanted. So he could just leave it alone.

Lou spoke to him several times, but he ignored her. Then Liam, now naked again, joined them. But again, Louis didn't respond, even to his questions.

"He has to go to Maggy. It was damn close. Two other packs noticed him. That shouldn't have happened." Liam growled to Lou.

"His condition is very serious...", she only murmured and gradually brought the child's injured skin to light under the thick layer of dirt.

"Okay, I can't get him clean like this. I have to bathe him." Lou decided and put the completely silent Louis in the tub.

After all the dirt was gone at some point, the extent of the injuries only really became apparent.

Louis knew Harry was at the door. His growl kept penetrating his ears.

Louis didn't know why he was standing outside. Just as little why some of the furniture was against the door from the inside. He didn't care either. Everything didn't matter.

At some point Louis woke up without realizing that he had fallen asleep.

He didn't open his eyes but listened

"You can be glad that he's alive, that he wasn't caught by another pack, that he bumped into Eric of all people, that he didn't get any serious injuries, that he's back and that he was treated immediately. So, stop growling around here! Otherwise, I'll go and think about who should take care of your omega beforehand.", Lou's voice snapped.

"Don't overdo it, Lou!" Harry growled sourly.

"She's right! Damn! You left him at your house to fuck Taylor and didn't link until the next noon. After you finished him off like that! Anything could have happened to him.", Liam spoke now too.

"DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK I DON'T KNOW?!" Harry yelled at a deafening volume.

"We can save ourselves the discussion. He'll have to stay here for the time being anyway. He can't use his hands, feet or knees. I should have kept him here last time. He has to stay. Without discussions." Lou said and in the next moment entered her patient's room.

"Oh, little mouse, you're awake. Say something?", she said smiling.

Louis just looked at her with sad eyes.

"You have to stay here for now. Unfortunately, I have to strap you in. This is for your own safety and only for a few days, okay?", she asked sweetly, but there was still no reaction from Louis.

Instead, to a growl from the hallway, he turned his head on one side and closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, Liam was sitting by his bed.

"Hey kid. How are you?"

He, too, only got a sad look from blue eyes as an answer.

"Um, so we kicked Harry out. I don't think you want to see him or me right now. So, I'd like to introduce you to someone." Liam said and went to the door to open it.

"This is Niall. He has wanted to meet you since day one and is only two years older than you." Liam explained and a light brown wolf entered. He could comfortably rest his head on the doorknob, but he wasn't nearly as tall as the others.

The wolf looked at Louis with blue beady eyes and jumped onto Louis' bed without being asked.

Liam was about to say something when Niall just laid his head on Louis' legs and closed his eyes. Louis couldn't move because of the buckles, but he didn't seem afraid of Niall either.

Even when he didn't speak, it seemed like Niall was welcome to him. It really should be like that since Niall was a Delta and they already liked to be around Omegas. Likewise, Omegas quickly trusted Deltas. So, for Louis to react positively to Niall before he bit him, and in this case no reaction was definitely positive, it was the best thing that could have happened.

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