Chapter 30-Other wolves

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When Louis woke up the next day, he felt warm and cozy. All of the wolves were draped around him and he was lying between Harry's front legs and sort of half in his fur.

Above them the birds chirped and through the leaves reached them tender morning ones Sunbeams.

As soon as he lifted his head, he had a giant nose right in front of him, which forced him to lie down again.

"I want to get up," he stated the obvious.

Harry just growled and pushed Louis down so he could put his head over him. Well, at least Louis had some kind of blanket. With teeth and drool. Great.

When it was finally time to get up, they got up straight away and started running. Liam had just let him know that if everything went according to plan, they would arrive tonight.

Louis got the subtext: be nice and don't delay.

At some point Louis thought he had blisters on his butt. Harry was so terribly uncomfortable walking and then constantly hopping to avoid stepping on roots or something. He wasn't supple like a horse might be.

Besides, he had to pee and he was hungry too. Niall let himself be carried around like a baby wolf in Zayn's mouth. It's convenient, he'd told Louis some other time. Well, it had to be more comfortable than Louis' position.

Finally Louis couldn't take it anymore and shouted against the wind: "Harry, I have to pee!"

What he didn't expect was that he stopped at full speed and almost catapulted Louis in front of the next tree. Liam, Zayn, and Niall also came to an instant stop, and Harry sat down, allowing Louis to slide right off his back.

As if on eggs, he twitched a bit from the other way until he heard a growl. Oh crap. There was something, he thought as Harry walked right up to him.

After Louis was done, the others pressed him to move on. Louis cried as he climbed back onto Harry's back. He just didn't want to anymore and knew that eventually they would have to go back the same way.

In the late afternoon they encountered other wolves. Louis had no idea who they were or what exactly they wanted. Or if they wanted anything at all, but Harry could apparently tell from a mile away if he liked someone or if the other was going to attack. In between, there didn't seem to be too much for him.

Unfortunately, the three wolves belonged to the latter group. At first, Harry ignored them after they approached when Louis ate a snack. But as they followed, he growled and finally let Louis slide back down and nudged him into the grass. Cast-of, it crossed his mind and he politely stayed where Harry had put him.

He had turned around almost immediately and bared his teeth angrily. However, he did not move away from Louis but positioned himself so that he was squatting under his stomach.

Louis looked up at the powerful wolf's chest. If he would let himself flop down now, Louis would be something of a mush.

Luckily, Harry didn't intend to. But his neck fur bristled, which was not visible to Louis.

He stayed briefly above Louis before he moved three meters away and then very suddenly jumped at the first strange wolf and bit his throat.

Louis turned his head away. He didn't like this fight. It might be for the wolves, of course, but Louis thought that was pretty stupid. One could see at first glance that Harry was physically superior to the three strangers. Accordingly, it didn't particularly itch when someone jumped on him and bit his neck.

Zayn and Liam just seemed to be observing so far and Louis was sure that was the order Harry had given them over their headphone. Because they seemed a little dissatisfied with the role of the audience.

Louis didn't even see Niall at first. But then he found him between a fallen root and some tall grass. He lay flat on the ground and at first glance he looked like a stone or something woody or something.

Louis looked back at Liam and Zayn, trying to block out the growls, squeaks, yelps and yaps behind him.

It took a while, but finally Harry stepped in front of him. It was quiet behind Louis now. Really quiet. Harry had blood on his mouth and looked a little more shaggy than before. Apparently he had lost some fur. But otherwise he seemed fit.

"Louis, don't look back." Liam mumbled, who changed again the next moment.

But it was like telling Louis not to think about a pink elephant.

Then you did it automatically. That's how Louis looked. And saw three completely destroyed werewolves lying dead on the ground.

His eyes darted to Harry, who wasn't looking at him but was eyeing Louis' feet. He seemed a bit awaiting Louis' verdict, Louis thought. He slowly raised his small hand and stroked the wolf's mighty jaw.

"I-I-Is... Is... Is something hurting you?" he then asked hasty.

Harry shook his head slightly and still didn't look at Louis.

"Then we must move on, right?" Louis asked because he had no idea what else to say. The giant wolf, still without looking up, shoved his head closer to Louis, who finally wrapped both arms around his head.

"I'm glad nothing happened to you." Louis whispered into the giant ear and kissed him on the bridge of the nose.

This apparently revived Harry's spirits, as he licked Louis all over again and then lay down in an appropriate manner to let Louis mount.

As he sat, he looked again at the carcasses. Harry had literally torn them apart. Louis can't believe he did that and was so different afterwards. Harry's wolf was actually cool for Louis.

He didn't complain, he could comfortably carry Louis on walks if he just walked, and he was fluffy. A bit like an oversized cuddly toy, Louis now thought. Sure he was damn strong and stuff, but he didn't really show that to Louis. The growl was menacing at times and frightened Louis. But he had found that he liked it sometimes too. He had made up his mind not to think about it.

Now seeing the other wolves like this added another interesting facet to Louis' picture of Harry. A brutal one that Louis was a little more afraid of. It wasn't long after dark before they headed straight for a couple of wolves that Harry seemed to like. Looked like they'd arrived, Louis thought with relief.

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