Chapter 1- Car ride in the trunk

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Louis was afraid. He was terrified of being wheeled around in a car.

He had been to the park with his family. Like every Saturday afternoon. But his family only wanted to go to the playground, but Louis wanted to go to the football field. So, he gone there with Mr. Carrot. He does that often. But this time there was this man who asked Louis for his help. Because he should help an adult, he felt big and important. And he really wanted to help.

So, Louis followed the man to the parking lot.

Only there did Louis realize that his parents didn't even knew where he was. So, Louis told the man that and that he just wanted to go tell his parents, but they were already at the Jeep, so the man grabbed him fast and put him in the trunk.

"Help...", he whimpered to himself, but no one reacted when the car started and just tool him with it. Mr. Carrot was in Louis arms as he tried to find a comfortable position to lie down. At every curve and every pothole, he felt the need to vomit.

Where would they take him?

Would Mum and Dad be angry?

When would they bring him back?

Who needs help so urgently?

Would Louis really be able to help this person?

How long would they drive?

Do they always transport people in the trunk?

Maybe they didn't have a child seat?

His Mum always said that he needs to sit in a child seat because the police could stop them at any time. Maybe it was the same here? But still, louis would rather sit in the car like the grown-ups, and not be shaken up here in the back.

At some point he put down his backpack and ate two carrots and a small chocolate bun that his mother had packed for him. At least Loui didn't have to starve.

At some point Louis lied down again. The man who drives turned on the music. It was rock music. Louis didn't know the song.

Louis hardly noticed that he had fallen asleep with Mr. Carrot in his arms.

What would happen when he woke up again? Where would they be?

When Louis woke up, he was banging his head on the floor of the trunk. Oh Heaven, that wasn't a real road where they drove. Louis fear increased again. Big tears rolled down his cheeks. He had a bit of a stomachache and could barely cling to anything to keep from being shaken up so badly. It seemed as if we were driving over a lunar landscape.

At some point the car came to an stop and louis didn't know if he should be happy or if he should get anxious. He cried without any noise in Mr. Carrots belly. He wanted to go home. Louis was gone for far too long.

The little dragon riders already ran on the tv. He also wanted to eat pizza with his family.

Suddenly the trunk lid was ripped open and there stood the man that asked him for help in the park. The man looked at him and said:

"Hey Puppy, everything is fine. You don't need to cry."; The Man couldn't understand why he was crying.

"I-I'm Louis. I help you fast but then I need to go home.", explained Louis and sniffled one more time.

Louis would tell his parents where he would go the next time.

"Help? Oh, you still believe that? That's cute. Come Puppy, we need to go." Said the man and lifted Louis out of the trunk. Louis fast grabbed his backpack and Mr. Carrot and followed the man.

Louis looked around carefully.

The car was parked in a barn with three others. But he saw no animals. Just the vehicles and stuff they kept in the garage at home.

The man stepped out of the barn and Louis found they were in the woods. But when Louis turned right, he saw many small, strange houses in the middle of the forest.

Between them, the trees continued to grow normally. It looked like they wanted to cut down as few trees as possible. The houses were all bungalows, reminding Louis of a lakeside cabin where he had vacationed once with his family.

All the huts were the same size and seemed about as big as the one where he vacationed with his family. However, they were not mainly made of wood, but glass. Louis could just see inside. That was crazy.

And here someone needed his help?

Suddenly people flocked to him from everywhere. naked people. Whoops. Louis clung tighter with his belongings to the man who stood beside him.

Louis was afraid. they should go away. But they all got very close and...

Sniffed at Louis?

Hey, he doesn't smell. Had a bath just last night. What was that?

"Hey Liam. You've been gone for a long time. Are you okay?" a black-haired man suddenly asked.

"Yes. I was only held up briefly," explained the man who brought him here, whose name apparently Liam was and turned so they could all get a good look at Louis. "Oh wow. That's not possible. Quick. Bring it in.", said the Black-haired excited.

It? Louis wasn't it. He was a boy A completely normal boy who didn't live naked in the woods in glass huts and smell strangers. Everyone was running around her, obstructing Louis's view considerably. But he found them stepping past a few glass huts and into a much larger one in the middle.

It smelled kind of strong. Kinda like a dog...

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