Chapter 2- A big dangerous man

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Above you can see what the houses look like. Just bigger than in the picture

Liam carried him down a wide hallway. There were no doors in the house and the front door was huge. Very wide and so high that there was no wall above it up to the roof. Louis had never seen something like that.

Inside the house the passages were so wide and high that there were almost no walls.

When Liam finally stopped. Louis looked ahead. They looked into a room much larger than the living room at home. They looked into a room much larger than the living room at home. The room was completely laid out with mattresses and there were pillows and blankets everywhere.

There were naked people lying around everywhere. What kind of funny group was this?

"Liam it's nice that you're showing up again." Suddenly a female voice spoke.

"I'm sorry. I noticed something along the way and brought it with me." Liam spoke and Louis took a closer look at the woman who had spoken.

She had dark hair and it seemed a bit like the others had draped themselves around her.

"Show. What did you bring?" the woman asked excitedly and Liam Picked the crying Louis up and put him on the pillows in front of her. Louis immediately wanted to turn away and go back to Liam. Liam was wearing something and also knew where the park was. He had to bring Louis back after all.

But Liam also just undressed and sat down on one of the mattresses.

"Take his clothes off. You hardly smell anything." Spoke another woman.

"No. That's up to the Alpha," Liam said.

Louis had no idea what an alpha was, but he figured it might be better not to find out. Louis didn't want to be naked. Louis found the behavior of the strange people here really odd.

"Are you contradicting me?!" the woman growled.

But Liam growled back much more menacingly.

"As a Beta, I expect respect. I'm not your henchman," he hissed.

OK, they were weird. Not only that they were naked, lived in glass houses in the forest, sniffed at people and somehow had no furniture. No. They growled too.

"I'm your big sister." The woman scolded again.

"And I'm a Beta and a rank higher than you. So, show respect." Liam snarled.

The woman who had spoken first was getting annoyed.

She was about to reach for Louis when suddenly a dark and menacing growl was heard.

The woman immediately returned to her starting position.

"Hello." Said a dark and deep voice slow.

"Hey. Liam brought you something." said the woman who laid now comfortable on the pillows again.

"What is it?" asked the voice.

Louis didn't dare to get up. The man radiated something very menacing to him.

The next moment, however, he was grabbed in the neck and pulled up. He was held in the face of a man who seemed taller and stronger than everyone else.

He sniffed for a split second and then looked at Liam in shock.

"I thought that..." he started to stammer.

"Oh, I owe you a lot my friend. I want to know it all. Come see me in an hour, okay?" said the man.

"Sure." Liam said calmly.

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