Chapter 7-Deep in the forest

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Hey, I'm sorry that I didn't upload anything yesterday, but I had so many things to do for school that I just didn't had the time. But today you get two chapters as an apology.

Louis wept bitterly. Harry was being mean and hurting him. And he wouldn't let him see his mom.

Inside the house, Harry had put Louis back in the pillow room and went to the bathroom.

Now Louis laid between pillows and blankets and gave free rein to his pain and sadness.

Harry, on the other hand, had to stop himself from freaking out.

He wasn't made for raising puppies. He didn't feel like taking care of the little one forever. Why wasn't he just already older? But then maybe another pack would have found him, and Harry couldn't even think about that. Nobody had anything to do with his Omega. Point.

Unfortunately, he wasn't really in the mood for it himself. Maybe he should leave him within his pack and only bring him back when he was old enough?

Louis decided he'd rather get eaten than stay here. Also, the front door was open. So, he tiptoed out and crept to the edge of the village. From there he just started walking. Hoping no monster would eat him.

Harry had heard exactly how his omega had walked away. However, he didn't feel like chasing after him. Who was he? A nanny?

Liam? The omega took off. Scare him and drive him back, he gave instructions via Mind link.

Of course, Alpha, came the answer immediately.

Take him with you. I'm going to see Taylor. Pick him up tomorrow.

Okay, Liam answered again.

Very good, Harry thought and made his way to Taylor's house.

Louis ran as fast as he could. However, as he himself had to admit, he wasn't very fast. Walking barefoot through the forest was awful. It constantly pricked under your feet, or you hit your foot. He had fallen three times and just wanted to sit and cry.

But that didn't work. He had to go home after all. Back to mom and the others

. So, he gritted his teeth, grabbed Mr. Carrot tighter and bravely ran on.

At some point this stupid forest had to come to an end.

And then suddenly he saw it. A beast stood right in front of him. Louis tried to brake, fell over a branch and landed face down on the prickly ground.

With wide eyes he stared at the monster in front of him.

It pulled up its lips and growled at Louis.

He immediately jumped up and ran in the opposite direction. Just straight ahead. He only tried to avoid tree trunks. He ran through thorns and branches.

He could hear the blood rushing through his veins and felt the adrenaline pumping through his veins.

He tried to walk sideways to avoid backing in to end up in the village with evil Harry.

But just as he thought he was getting farther away from the village, another beast jumped at him, snarling, and shortly after that a third one.

They drove him further and further towards the village.

Louis couldn't take it anymore. He was shaking badly and could only move forward at a walking pace. He didn't know why the beasts wanted him in the village, but it didn't matter anymore.

When he tripped over a root again, he just laid on the ground crying. Everything hurt him, he was exhausted, and he had lost Mr. Carrot at some point. He was lost himself.

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