Chapter 4-The Dinner

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You can imagine the pillow rooms as above. Just inside and a room full. In addition, everyone probably has a bit different colors - just not quite as fancy.

Harry's pasta casserole eventually finished, and he filled Louis with a portion. He just sat there with his glass of water.

"Alpha?" someone suddenly called from the hallway.

"Keep eating, Puppy. You have to eat enough." Said Harry, stroking Louis on the head and then calling out a little louder: "In the kitchen."

"Maggy offered to take care of your little one. She would have enough milk." Said a dark-haired younger woman and sat down on the chair opposite Louis.

"Louis eat what I gave you. I won't say it again." Harry spoke to Louis and then turned to the woman: "Give her my thanks. But he won't get anything from anyone except me. I'm not discussing that."

"Wow. I had completely forgotten what you can be like, brother." The woman said, impressed.

"Gemma, he's mine. Only mine. I won't let anyone get near him. He's too valuable," Harry explained, watching Louis eat.

He ate, but hardly tasted anything. He tried not to listen but couldn't. He didn't fully understand the content, but what he understood was enough to scare him.

"I'm not allowed to talk to him either?" Gemma asked offended.

"What do you want to talk to him about?" Harry asked amused.

"He's scared and he misses his family definitely. I would like to comfort him."

"Well, you've already mentioned the hopelessness of your plan. You won't be able to comfort him because he misses his family. It doesn't matter what we say. We won't be able to prevent that."

"So you just don't care?" Gemma asked indignantly.

Harry growled and spoke rather angrily, "Never question whether I take care of my omega or not. I'll take that as a pretty serious insult. But to answer your totally inappropriate question, I'll be keeping him around me for the next few days. That's how he gets used to me. Omegas need belonging. So I will give that to him and so I also get him used to live in our world."

"Oh. Okay," Gemma admitted, latently disappointed itself.

Louis had finished the portion and now felt quite full. But he hadn't dared to stop before then either.

"Ready, Puppy?" Harry asked.

Louis just nodded. Tears were coming again, but Harry ignored them as he got up, got a rag and used it to clean Louis's face and hands. "Don't you want to get out for a little while?" Gemma asked meanwhile.

"No. I'll go when he sleeps. Liam can look after him here then." Harry explained to his sister.

Harry cleared the table and also cleaned the kitchen.

Louis sat silently in his chair and waited. He was afraid of the two siblings. He also wanted to go home but slowly realized that they had no intention of bringing him back. Liam had lied to him. Nobody needed his help for a moment. They just kidnapped him.

Suddenly, Louis was picked up and carried out of the kitchen, down the hall, and into the bathroom. How fortunate that Mr. Carrot was tucked under his arm the whole time, not that he lost him too.

Harry handed him a toothbrush after smearing it with toothpaste.

Eeewww, grown-up toothpaste, Louis thought disgusted.

Despite this, he said nothing out of fear and brushed his teeth politely. Why did Harry always look at him so intently? He kept touching him. What was that?

After Louis' teeth were clean and he'd washed his face properly again at Harry's prompting, Harry pushed him in front of him into the pillow room. There he pressed it in the middle down and put it down. Louis let him do it. Maybe he could run away in the night? Back home to mom and the others.

Harry layed down behind Louis so that he could wrap his arms around him from behind. He briefly pressed his nose in Louis' hair before asking Gemma to leave.

It was already dark outside. Only the lights of the other houses and the stars could be seen.

"Sleep Puppy. You've had a busy day."

It took Louis a long time to get to sleep. He was scared and not comfortable in the new environment.

Nevertheless, his whole body simply demanded rest and relaxation, so that at some point his eyes simply tilted shut against his will.

As a result, he missed Harry putting a blanket over him and slowly getting up himself. He didn't see Harry look at Liam, who had very quietly taken up a position a little way off but was now getting close enough to touch Louis.

The two gave each other a quick nod with a small smile before Harry left the house.

As soon as the cooler evening air reached him, his body deformed. Finally. He had been in his weaker form for far too long.

Dense dark brown and black fur covered a beefy body about the size of a little horse.

His huge paws stomped the ground as he slowly stepped out of the village and into the undergrowth.

His ears listened in every direction. He was almost euphoric.

Intoxicated with the knowledge of having an omega. The best choice. As the strongest alpha, he didn't deserve anything below this level either.

For a while the big alpha ran through the forest, before actually listening for prey.

He hunted down an adult wild boar. He played for a while out of high spirits before he really jumped on it and made short work of it. Due to its sheer size and speed, it and its fellows were the most dangerous hunters.

A mixture of blood and saliva dripped from his lips. He would love to take the dead animal he killed home with him and feed it to his omega. He would love to show him how lucky he was to have ended up with him.

Unfortunately, his omega was still too human. The recessive lycantrophy gene was still dormant. But Harry would wake it up.

As soon as he would be 18 years old.

Oh, Harry couldn't wait.

So today the alpha didn't eat his prey together with his omega but smashed his teeth into the meat again and again and wolfed down his food.

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