"No, we're coming in." Harry answered Michael in an almost annoyed tone.

Harry reached his arm out, his hand flattening against the small of my back as he gave me a light nudge towards the door.

His touch was enough to snap me out of my paralysis, my eyes blinking rapidly as I snapped my head over to him. I spun with my back towards the door coming face to face with Harry.

"I can't be here." I whispered to him low enough that only he would hear me.

His brows dropped, "I thought you'd want to meet them."

"I— Well, I mean–" I stammered with my mind reeling making it hard to form a thought. "I do, but you didn't tell me. I'm not prepared— I'm freaking out." I admitted.

Harry smirked and pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head, his hair now brushed back out of his face as he looked down to me. "If I would have told you sooner you would have psyched yourself out."

I pursed my lips at his words knowing they were true. If he would have told me he planned on bringing me to meet them I undoubtedly would have stayed at the hotel and refused to come.

"Let's just go in. If you hate it, we'll leave in just a few minutes." He offered.

I nodded my head agreeing and allowed him to turn me around and gently push me through the door. As soon as I entered the room all of the guys were smiling at me, each of them standing to greet us.

"Hi, I'm Calum." Calum stuck out his hand for me to shake and I nervously obliged.

No fucking way Im touching Calum Hoods hand right now.

Ashton introduced himself next, then Luke and Michael. All I could do was offer a smile towards them since my words were seemingly getting caught in my throat.

Harry nodded his head for me to follow so I went with him and sat down on one of the couches. Luke and Ashton sat on the other, Michael jumping back up onto his spot on the counter while Calum plopped down beside me on the couch.

I instantly clenched up, the fear of being surrounded by my... Well, my idols, was really starting to freak me out.

Harry must have sensed it because he threw his arm up over the back of the couch, his body leaning closer to mine as if he was trying to calm me down. His hand fell just on the other side of my head near Calums shoulder, Harry's nails matching the black leather of the couch we sat on.

"You got the stuff?" Michael asked, breaking the silence.

"Jesus, Michael! He just got here, give him a second." Luke complained, his brows dropping at his band mate. "Of fucking course he has it, he wouldn't be here if he didn't."

Harry shifted himself, his hand going into the pocket of his jeans to tug out his keys. "Here, Mikey." He called out his clear annoyance. "Make yourself useful, it's in the trunk."

What's in the trunk?

I haven't seen the trunk of the car. Harry carried down our bags from the house, took out our bags when he got to the hotel and each time I've gotten in or out of the car I've walked around the front so I haven't looked in the trunk.

Harry tossed the keys over to Michael who caught them, a smirk falling on his face. "Nice."

His head looked up to Ashton and he nodded for him to follow him as he jumped down from the counter and walked towards the door leading into the hallway.

Once they were gone Calum got up and headed towards the mini fridge in the corner of the room while Harry reached into his pocket again and pulled out a baggie of white powder, throwing it onto the table in front of us.

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