As my eyes landed on him my movements faltered a bit, the alcohol in my system seeming to force me to forget what an all star asshole he is.

The lights from the party seemed to highlight every one of his features, shadowing him in all the right places. His toned chest was still on display as a mix of blue, red and green lights danced across his skin.

I think he knew I was looking at him because he raised his cup in a "toast" and threw his head back to finish his cup before pushing himself from the wall and walking through a crowd of people, disappearing.

After I lost sight of him I tried to turn my attention back to the group I had been dancing with. I hate that he can fog up my mind like that. I should be able to remember what a complete dick he is regardless of how he looks.


Oh god. I need another drink. I think I'm sobering up.

"I'm gonna go get another drink." I shouted to Millie over the music.

She nodded her head with a smile, never stopping her movements of dancing as she did so.

I turned away from the group that had clustered around us and pushed past a few people I didn't know to try and get to the kitchen.

Millie was a little off in her calculation of the turn out tonight. There was a about fortyish people that showed up. There was still plenty of room in the house, but there were still enough people to be in the way when I'm trying to exit the living room.

"Hey baby, wanna be our referee?" I heard someone call from the beer pong table as I passed.

I turned my head to see a group of guys standing on either side of the table, each shamelessly tracing their eyes down my body.

"It's beer pong, not an extreme sport. I'm sure you can manage without a referee." I shot before I continued walking out of the living room.

"No need to be a bitch!" I heard the same guy call after me, but this time I just kept walking while my middle finger raised up for him to see.

No need to be a bitch?


How about you at least try to keep it in your pants instead of drooling over the slightest but of cleavage? If women can't even show a little bit of skin without a man thinking they can throw themselves at us, I think a woman can be as rude as needed to avoid the situation.

That's just my opinion though.

Finally I reached the kitchen and made my way towards the refrigerator where the lemonade was. I'm telling you, this is on a different level of good.

I've worked at a club so I have tried plenty of different drinks, but for some reason this is just so good to me. 

"Having fun?"

I turned to see Harry leaning against the counter, his arms folded over his chest as he watched me with my hand on the handle of the refrigerator door.

"I was just getting the lemonade." I said stupidly.

He didn't ask me what I was doing, he asked me if I was having fun.

I opened the refrigerator and grabbed the lemonade and kinky, placing them on the counter, then grabbed a red cup from the counter and set it in front of me. I took the bottle of kinky in my hand and flicked off the lid so I could start pouring it into my cup.

I've been putting about a shot and a half into each of my drinks. However, this time, knowing that Harry was in here and will most likely say something else to me I put about two shots worth of kinky into the cup.

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