"So, what color do you want?" I tried to change the topic back to painting his nails.

He didn't even think about it before he reached over to grab the black one, handing it to me. Of course he'd want black.

I nodded as I scooted a little closer to him. I shifted my eyes down to his hand, getting nervous now that I was actually about to paint his nails.

The only times I've actually touched him were in the RV when I almost fell on him, when we were training in the gym, when he choked me and earlier today when he grabbed me and jumped us into the water.

Other than that we usually keep a good distance from each other. Even when sleeping.

I put the towel down onto his leg that was closest to me, then took the top off of the nail polish. I looked down to see him holding his hand out to me so I slowly took it into my own. I had to draw in a deep breath to try and keep my nerves down so my hand would stop shaking.

His cool hand slid lightly into mine and I slowly started painting over his nails making sure I kept it off of his skin the best I could. So far I'd say I was doing pretty good since I've never actually painted someone else's nails before, only my own.

"Do you have your phone?" I asked as I continued to paint his nails.

"Yeah?" His voice came out as a question.

"Can you play music?" I flashed my eyes up to his for a second before looking back down to his hand.

The silence in the room was starting to make me feel crazy.

He didn't say anything but he shifted his weight to the side, careful to not move his hand that I was painting. He shoved his free hand, the one I hadn't painted yet, into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

"What do you want me to play?" He asked as he clicked on the screen.

I shrugged, "Whatever you want."

"No." His statement caused me to look up at him. "You asked me to play music, so you pick."

I pursed my lips as I looked back down to his fingers. "Switch hands."

He carefully placed his phone in his other hand and gave me the one that hadn't been painted yet. "You never told me your favorite artist. Tell me who it is and I'll play them."

"You never told me yours either." I raised my brows at him. "Besides, you wouldn't like them."

"I don't have to like them." He shrugged. "Just tell me."

I sighed before muttering, "You're gonna make fun of me."

There was a brief pause as I finished a few of his nails.

"By the time you tell me you're going to be done painting my nails."

I shook my head, "I still have to do a second coat."

"You going to tell me or not?" Annoyance rose a bit in his voice.

"Fine!" I stop painting to hold my hands up in exasperation. "Fine whatever, but if you make fun of me I'm going to dump this nail polish on your stupid boots."

He creased his brows together a bit, but nodded his head without saying anything as he switched his phone into his other hand so I could start applying the second coat.

I ran my finger over his nail and felt to see if they were dry enough for a second coat yet. This stuff was nearly an instant dry, so I went ahead and decided to start working on the second layer.

I let out a sigh, rethinking if I actually wanted to tell him or not. I let a few seconds of silence pass over us as I painted over a few of his nails before I finally spoke. "My favorite band is Bloodlines."

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