F I F T Y - F I V E

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It's unreal. She's here. With me. In my arms. She's letting me hold her like this is my last time. Fuck, please don't let this be the last time.

I kiss the side of her head, inhaling her scent and hoping I never forget it.

It's taking everything in me to push my feelings aside and only worry about her. Because that's what's I've been doing the past months. Worrying. I almost killed myself after I didn't call her for her birthday. And then today, I just couldn't sit back and not watch. I had to.

"Please say you still love me." She whispers against my chest. And there I go. Tears pool in my eyes, but I force them shut, sucking in a deep breath.

"Of course I still love you, Marie." I don't think I have the ability to stop. And I know damn sure I don't want to.

I cup jasmine's face in my hands and tilt her head up to look at me. She looks healthier. Her skin is glowing, the soft freckles running across her cheeks stand out too. Her green eyes are vibrant, just like they were the day I met her.

"Why-" she sniffles. "Why did you leave me in the dark for so long?" She whispers, violently wiping the tears off her rosy cheeks.

I shake my head. "I couldn't... I couldn't look at you knowing you were hurt because of me."

"But that's not true." She shakes her head. "You didn't hurt me, Kaden."

"No, but it was because of my actions."

"No! You don't get to be the villain when I need you to be my hero. You hear me? I fucking needed you, Kaden. I swear, it felt like my mind was somewhere else when you were gone. I wasn't thinking straight, and just a few minutes ago, when I walked through that door, it's like everything is much cleaner and safer." She breathes in a deep breath. "You make me feel safe. And if you leave me all alone again I might not make it back to you."

Fuck, if that didn't hurt.

"I didn't mean to leave you in the dark, Jasmine."

She laughs and shakes her head. "No Marie?" She asks sarcastically.

I chuckle and hold her tighter against me.

"I love you, Marie. I love you so fucking much it almost killed me to be away from you. And I promise. I'll never let it happen again. I won't let you get hurt."

"I believe you." She whispers into my shirt. "But if you do leave me again, I can't promise that I'll be here to take you back."

Tears begin to spill down my cheeks. I don't deserve her. She doesn't deserve this. She deserves so much better than me, but I can be selfish. And right now, I'm taking back what's mine.

My lips crash down on her with so much force, she stumbles back. My arms are tight around her, ensuring that I won't let her fall. I won't let her get hurt.

Jasmine's lips part, allowing my tongue to slip inside. I start to slow down, savoring the taste of her in this moment. God, I want this to last forever. This. Right now. I want her forever, in my arms, in my bed, carrying my child in her womb, or not. Whatever she wants.

"I love you." I whisper again. Because I'm scared she doesn't think so.

"I love you." Her thumb traces my lips, before she leans back up and connects them with hers.

I'm marrying her. I promise you that.

I gently begin to push her back, leading her to the couch. She sits back and I come down right on top of her, our lips never leaving. The house is dark and quiet. The only noises filling the silence is our ragged breaths and the sound of our clothing being torn off as we begin to undress each other.

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