T H I R T Y - S E V E N

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"Oh my great goodness, is this beautiful little girl your daughter?"

My eyes widen with shock, and maybe even... fear? Yes. Fear.

I stare at the old woman in horror.

"Oh, no- I- no." I laugh nervously. "She's not my- our," I correct. "She's not our daughter."

"Really? She looks so much like both of you!" The old woman runs a hand through her purr white hair. "She's got the young man's beautiful skin, and your darling eyes."

I look back at Kaden. He's grinning like a fool. I glare daggers at him, hoping they'll cut right through.

It's true. Bella looks similar to both of us it's actually scary. Her brown skin- which is a lot lighter than Kaden's- and her bright green eyes- which are even more prominent than my eyes I'm actually jealous. How did I never notice?

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." The old woman says with guilt. I rush to her aid.

"No, no, no. It's okay, really." I wave my hands. "We get it a lot actually." Great going, Marie- Jasmine. "But this is just my... niece? Yes, this is our niece."

"Oh, yes, yes. That makes sense." She laughs. "So sorry by the way. Here," she reached into her bowl and dumps a handful of candy into Bella's bucket. "For the trouble." She winks.

"Have a nice night, ma'am." I smile warmly and begin walking down the concrete steps, with Bella holding onto my fingers.

"That was so embarrassing." I groan and slap a hand over my eyes. I feel Kaden wrap his arms around my waist and pull me against his chest.

"It wasn't so bad, Marie." He kisses my earlobe and the moves down to the soft skin under my ear.

"Ja-a-a," I look down at Bella. She's making grabby hands at me and is trying to jump, pushing on the tips of her toes.

"Oh, come here, Princess." I pick Bella up and hold her tight against me. Her candy bucket is almost full. We still have lots of time left, though. "Hey, K.J." I call out.

Kaden's head snaps in my direction, a disgusted and hurtful look itching on his face.

"Did I do something?" He asks, looking genuinely sad. I almost laugh out loud.

"What? No! Why would you think that?" Filling in the short distance, I walk to him and look up.

"Why'd you call me that?" He asks. His finger reaches out and tucks a piece of curled hair behind my ear- the cowgirl hat makes it a little tricky.

My eyes widen. "Oh, no, I'm sorry, baby. No, you didn't do anything." I sigh. "I thought you liked being called K.J?"

"Not by you."

I pout. "What's that supposed to mean?" Bella is starting to tire me. My arms are so sore and and feel weighed down.

I'm pretty sure Kaden notices me struggling, because he reaches out, as if getting ready to take a Bella from me, but then stops.

"Can I?" He asks.

I can't help the smile that forced my lips up. "Of course. If you want to."

I've never seen Kaden smile bigger and brighter. Never. He has so much Joy as he takes Bella into his arms. Bella seems equally as happy. She touches his face, giggles, and looks up at him as if... as if he's a father.

Bella never really gets to see her dad- Mr. Scott- that's often because he's always working. Same with Mrs. Scott. That's why they always have me watch her. I never complain. I love having Bella over. It takes my mind off of the harsh reality. But it also makes me imagine myself in a different position. A position I could've had.

"She likes you." I whisper, standing on my tips toes and hugging Kaden's neck from behind.

"Duh." He whispers back. I laugh and take a long look at Bella. She's starting to get tired. And we've only been out for an hour.

"Are you spending the night?" I ask, although I'm a little hesitant because I'm scared he'll say no. That he has work to do.

I still do wonder what he does to make big money. I won't ask him. If he wants to share, he'll share. It can't be that bad. Unless he's like an assassin or something.

That would explain a few things. Hmm.

"Do you want me to spend the night?" He looks away from Bella and glances over at me.

"Of course!" I practically yell the words. "Is that even a question!" Why does he feel the need to ask me things like that? The answer will always be yes.

"Okay, then I'll spend the night." He laughs, kissing my cheek.

An idea pops into my mind. Well, more like forced. But same thing.

"Kaden," I whisper seductively into his ear. "Kaden, I can dress up for you tonight."

His body seems to freeze under my arms. Bella has fallen asleep, her head resting on Kaden's shoulder.

"Dress up for me, huh?" He asks again, most likely clarifying what just came out of my mouth.

"Mhm." I hum, kissing the back of his neck. "Only if you want me to, thought."

"Shit- is that even a question?" He repeats my words from earlier, earning a giggle from me.

"Okay, it's final." I lean into him, and he turns around so that I'm facing him. His free arm goes around my waist, pulling me into him.

"You've got me acting like a fool, Kaden." I whisper into the cold air.

"I could say the same to you, Jasmine."

It's a different kind of feeling when he says my real name. It lets me know he's being genuine. I do like when he says my really name. But I love when he calls me Marie.

"You still have to help me with my art project." I say, slipping my hand into his. I look up at Kaden and see his famous expression. Blank. "What's wrong?"

That snaps him out of it. He shakes his head and then looks down at me. "Nothing, ma. I was just thinking 'bout something." He shrugs.


We continue walking and going up to a few more houses, even though Bella's asleep. She still manages to "wow" people.

"I'm getting tired." I say, stretching my arms out and pretending to yawn. My cowgirl boots are starting to feel heavy and bulky on my feet.

"Come here." Kaden demands, holding out his free hand for me to grab. I place my hand in his palm. He smiles, before tugging me forward, causing me to slam against his hard chest.

"Kaden!" I yell, catching the attention of a few kids dressed in zombies and TV characters.

"Come here," he picks me up with one arm, slinging me over his shoulder. Bella stays sound asleep, and I catch a little drool spilling from her mouth.

"Kaden! Put me down!" I squeal like a little girl having a tantrum because her mother wouldn't get her a toy.

"You said you were tired." He still manages to shrug.

"That doesn't mean you can throw me around like a rag doll!" I have to place a hand over my head to keep my hat from falling off. "Kaden." I warn. The blood is starting to rush to my head.

"Tell me a three lettered sentence. Then I'll put you down."

I'm not sure if it's because I'm being hung upside down, but my stomach just became queasy with nerves.

A three lettered sentence...


He cuts me off. "Please." I rarely ever hear Kaden say please. But the pleading in his voice tells it to me. He wants to hear it. And I want to say it.

"Kaden... I love you."


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