19| Gaining Faith

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   I WAS ON A MISSION, IT FELT AS IF I had an responsibility on my hands; to make her birthday the best one yet.

Today Asia was turning twenty-six. She told me she didn't want to do anything, apparently because her and Londyn and Sanaya were in some type of "brawl".

I wasn't trying to get in between their drama but I could Asia was unhappy and I didn't want that, especially not on her day.

"Where are you taking me now, boy?" Asia warms hands interlocked with mine. She had an smile that'll make anyone mimic, with an radiating face of cold— due to the spa and facial appointment I had just picked her up from.

"To go get your nails done, yo hands looking real ashy." I joked as I kissed her palm repeatedly before she snatched it away from me.

"Don't talk about my hands like yo hairline don't be giving Bride of Chucky."

"Aight now Amber Rose."

"That's a compliment, Amber is a bad bitch." She shrugged.

"Asia a bad motherfucker too," I leaned in for a quick kiss.

"I am, ain't I?" She smiled against my plumped lips before running her tongue against the corner of my mouth.

I hummed. Pulling her in for a deeper kiss, despite the light turning green.

"The lights green baby." She pushed me back.

"I got some for yo ass when we hit the crib."


"Stop looking at me," Asia grumbled as she continued to shower.


"Because you pulled a bullshit ass move!"

I knew she was talking about the nail shop situation. I had dropped her off alone but she came out with an company of two; Sanaya and Londyn.

I had them meet up with me there. I was tired of her mood changing every time their names were brought up so I invited them to her nail appointment.

She was angry,  but it didn't top the smile she had on her face when she walked out of the nail salon.

"Y'all kissed and made up, why are you so mad?"

"Because I didn't get a chance to be mad! I didn't get an chance to feel my emotions.. I wanted to feel Kamau."

It was kind of hard to not get distracted, due to the fact that she was literally butt-ass naked in front of me. I understood where she was coming from though, I understood she wanted a chance at emotion again— and I'd took that away.

"I've always pushed every thing away, disregarded every thing. I need some sense of reality K," The water submerged down her face but I saw the tears, I saw the pain.

"My fault. I- I ain't mean to fuck with yo problems." I toyed with my nose before grabbing my loofah; Asia had made me change from an regular wash cloth to an more "exquisite" one, she said it'll clean my body better.

"It's not your fault, you had good intentions." She stepped out of the shower, letting a woosh of cool air in just as quick as the steam crowed backed in. 

I was now showering alone. Something I never wanted Asia to feel; alone.



   "THANK YOU! OH MY GOD, THANK you." I squealed as I grabbed the Persian cat from my Dad's hands.

"What are you gonna name it?" Londyn asked me, continuing to pat the cats luxuriously fur.

"Jacqueline. Jacqueline North,"

"Thank you again, pa." I smiled.

"Your welcome," He placed an kiss on my cheek before patting the hood of my car.

"Drive safe."

Sitting Jacqueline on Londyn's lap before pulling out of my Dad's driveway.

Me and Londyn were on good terms, or to an understanding. She clarified that whatever happened at my Mom's candle light was simply "the heat in the moment" type of situation.

I didn't even get an chance to really have an in dept perspective of the situation so I didn't have no reason to not accept their apology.

"Can you tell me what Kamau got planned?" I looked over at her.

"That's your third time asking me, you trying get me in trouble girl?"

I shook my head with an chuckle. Kamau had surely made my birthday the best one yet— next to my twenty one's. From the spa date, to the massage, the facial, the nails, and even though I yelled at him for; I was grateful he got me and my girls back together.

We were now on his way back to his house, per Londyn's request. I was aggravated that I was still in the dark but I loved surprises.

"Oh, honey, I'm home!" My voice echoed throughout the minimalistic mansion.

He had yet to reply, but Londyn gave me an cream colored card.

Follow the roses, the pink and blue, each one symbolizes how much I like you.


The roses led me into the lounge area, where two unknown females were waiting for me. I noticed the hair supplies and makeup pallets placed on the coffee table, along with an directors chair.

"You must be the birthday girl?" A petite women with burgundy hair smiled down at me. I was tall but she was pushing 6 foot.

"Yes. I'm Asia and this is my sister Londyn." I introduced us two.

"We already met, I'm Ana." We shook hands before the second women with an purple bob greeted me also.

"I'm Lana."

I noticed the similarity in their names and how they looked almost identical which made me wonder were they related in some type of biological way.

"Are y'all.." I trailed, my eyes swapping between the two.

"We're twins." They answered in sync.

"Oh.. interesting," I giggled. "I suppose Kamau put y'all up too this?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. He requested for us to do your makeup and if you will like a wig, to provide one for you."

"Oh, of course, imma need a thirty- matter fact a forty inch." I chuckled as I looked over the mannequin heads that were occupied with various wigs.

"Good, let's get you ready then!"


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