178. Steven's reaction after finding out that you are pregnant 🥰

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steven would totally give you the most adorable reaction in the world when he first finds out.

you decide to surprise him after dinner one evening. he's telling you all about his day as you're putting back clean dishes in the cabinet, trying your best to stay calm, but the excitement is buzzing high.

"babe, can you check the oven for me, please?"

steven gives you a puzzled look as if it's such an odd request.

but to be fair, it kind of was.

"check the oven? what for?"

"please, honey? just open it and check."

he doesn't question you a second time, although you can see a brow raising, his face scrunching in confusion.

"sweetheart, why is there a piece of bread here? when did you put this?"

you bite back a chuckle as steven waves the dinner roll in the air.

"a bun in the oven? well, isn't that strange..." you hinted because, at this point, you're not sure he's going to get it any time soon.

"yeah, a singular bun in the oven? is this some sort of prank 'cos sadly i'm not getting it, my love, sorry-"

for such an intelligent man, steven could be so clueless at times. it's absolutely endearing ofc. you truly love that about him very much.

but when the realization finally hits him-oh, it hits him hard.


steven's eyes light up like the shimmering moon, the look of shock slowly easing into a wondrous expression that has your heart skipping a beat.

his bright smile soars across his face as you tearily nod "yes," and before you could say a word, he's rushing to you with wide open arms.

"oh my darling, we're having a little one. this is really happening, is it? i'm not dreaming, am i?"

he soothes a hand over your belly as you press a soft kiss to his temple. "this is real, steven. you and me, we're going to be parents. we're going to have a baby."

you chalk it up to hormones, but the moment steven kneels down to your belly, softly introducing himself as "dad" for the first time, the tears start flowing, your heart swelling up with love for him and your child.

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