161. Playing With Fire [Part 1]

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Pairing: Steven Grant x Marc Spector x Jake Lockley x Fem!Reader

CW/TW: Heavy angst, smut, fluff, mentions of mental illness, strong language, mild stalking

Summary: Sick of being on the sidelines all the time, you stir up trouble with a new threat to Moon Knight, and find yourself in the middle of a bad situation. Marc, Steven, and Jake are not pleased when they find out.

 Marc, Steven, and Jake are not pleased when they find out

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You slipped into the study, shutting the door behind you as you rounded the desk, looking around for clues

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You slipped into the study, shutting the door behind you as you rounded the desk, looking around for clues. You knew you weren't supposed to be in here, but when did common sense ever stop you before?

You'd been taking mental notes for weeks, picking up on small parts of conversation between the boys and Khonshu, stowing that information away in the back of your mind to piece together later. From what you'd gathered, there was a new God threatening to be freed (shocker, right?) and wreak havoc on the world. And apparently the only person that knew it's whereabouts was a pretty scary guy.

You knew it wasn't exactly right that you were snooping, but you were sick of being on the sidelines and something was definitely going on. They didn't talk much about work in front of you, because they wanted nothing more than to keep you safe. But you could help. You knew you could.

You slid open the drawer of the desk, spotting a picture of a big man wearing large chain jewelry with a cigar hanging out of his mouth. It was clipped to a few pages with scribbled writing that belonged to Marc, with the name Vincent Moretti etched out to the side.

You shut the drawer, repeating the name in your head as you went to the kitchen to start on dinner. You'd heard Marc mention a Moretti several times lately in passing - he had to be related to Khonshu's recent worries about Apopis, the Ancient Egyptian demon of chaos.

Steven came in from work a bit later, greeting you with a hug around the waist as you fixed his plate.

"Smells amazing, as always," he said as he kissed your cheek.

"So what would you like to do tonight, my sweet?" He asked as he took a sip of his water. You'd done some research on this Moretti guy and found out that he owned a night club in town. He was also associated with the Mafia, because of course he was. Only the most dangerous criminals for your men, you thought.

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