167. the morning after

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pairing: steven grant x reader

ˣ summary: as steven watches you sleep, he starts to wonder whether you deserve to be with a man as broken as he is.

ˣ warnings: fluff with a bit of angst, brief mentions of sex

ˣ warnings: fluff with a bit of angst, brief mentions of sex

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He's surrounded by warmth when he first wakes

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He's surrounded by warmth when he first wakes.

A slow and serene warmth that coaxes him back to sleep and escape into dreamland once more.

Steven fights off the exhaustion admirably, his eyes finally fluttering open as the bright sunlight pours into the windows of his home. The room is bathed in a calm glow, the kind of radiance that washes every corner of what was once his dreary apartment in shimmering golden hues.

It's surely a sight to behold, but no more than the one he sees nestled in his arms, you- still deep in slumber but looking heavenly as you always are.

If beauty were time, you'd be eternity.

The corners of Steven's lips upturn slightly the longer he stares. Waking up next to you feels too much of a dream. He'd pinch himself if he could, yet he wouldn't dare to even try. Reality would be a nightmare without you by his side, and he'd rather stay cocooned in this perfect little paradise crafted by his mind.

The delicate sound of your lulling breathing is all that he could hear against the bustling city of London outside. He's cautious not to disturb you as he shifts, pulling the duvet tighter around your body. The air is quite chilly this morning, and though he finds warmth in your proximity, he doesn't want his angel to be too cold.

Burying his nose into your neck, memories of the previous evening begin to flood him. Steven's chest flutters as he reminisces-from the way you touched him with so much care to the blissful look on your face when he brought you immense pleasure.

That night, you had explored each other's bodies, an act which terrified him at first. He'd fear his lack of experience would deter you, possibly souring your relationship as a result.

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