91. Dirty old bird[Khonshu]

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Khonshu x Fem!Reader

Your family wanted you home

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Your family wanted you home. At least for the weekend to celebrate your grandmother's birthday. And you had agreed, Khonshu the last thing on your mind while your mother nattered on.

Obviously, the deity was not happy he slipped your mind, if even for a moment. Or the thought that you had plans for an entire weekend that did not involve him.

But did he disappear to sulk? No. He followed you, and now sat on the rail of the patio while you rang the doorbell. "Is this not your home?" He asked, watching you as you waited for an answer. "Your parents' house? Yet you wait to be invited in?"

You gave him a dark look as you pretended to glance at something over the rail. "Shush."

He huffed, but before he could respond, your mother opened the door, squealing your name. "Oh look, it's my baby girl!"

You winced as you were pulled into a hug, your mother smothering you as she pulled you in. After that, you were aware of Khonshu watching from the corners and any suitable perch je could find as you were swept into reunions with your parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins, all present to celebrate your grandmother's birthday.

You had hoped that the insanity would chase Khonshu off, but instead, he leaned against the doorway of the dining room as everyone sat down, ready for the evening meal.

Right behind you, where you couldn't see him. But you felt acutely aware of his presence, and had to fight the urge to turn towards him when he spoke, which, consideringnhis running commentary, was a lot.

"I believe that your cousin is trying to feed the dog her vegetables."

"He's playing one of those video games in his lap. It's rather violent for someone so young. I don't know whether to be impressed or concerned."

"I have never met someone as idiotic as you aunt. Is she even aware of the words coming out of her mouth?"

You were so intent on ignoring Khonshu, your mother had to shout your name to gain your attention, making you feel flush and Khonshu chuckled. "How about you? Anyone special in your life?"

If you weren't embarrassed before, you were now. You could feel Khonshu gaze on you, waiting to see how you answered. "Yes, tell them. Tell them how you serve me, yet forsaken your sacred oath for this idiocy."

"Nope." Was your answer instead as you stabbed your food with vigor. "Lonely as can be."

No one heard Khonshu slam his staff, outraged at your answer. "Lonely?! Have I ever been far from your side? Have I ever ignored you when you called upon my name?"

"Such a shame," your aunt sighed, pinching your cheek. "You're such a nice girl. You know what, I have a friend at work, a bit wet behind the ears but he's a good boy. I could set you up with a date!"

"No!" The moon god raged. "Absolutely not."

"I-I'm good," you excused, trying to bite back a smile. "Really. I am."

"Nonsense! Believe me, there is nothing better for you than a good steady boytoy," you aunt continued oblivious and a little too tipsy on wine to restrain her words. "Booty calls when your stressed out by exams can do wonders. And believe me, that young man would be willing to learn. He'd be eager to make sure you're satisfied."

You groaned your aunt's name as you hid your face, and felt the god behind you fume. "Tell them," he demanded, no longer joking. "Tell them that you are beloved by me, the god of the moon and vengeance! I can satisfy any desire of yours far better than any puny mortal."

"Nope," you groaned, both at your aunt and your god.

"You could stand a good fuck, my dear."

You stared at your grandmother, your mother and aunt laughing. You wanted to melt in your chair, to just disappear.

Instead you saw Khonshu stalk closer, and looked up to see him looming over you. "A good fuck? Shall I fuck you in front of them? Show them how easily I can make you scream and cry?"

"Oh my god, Khonshu!" You hissed without thinking, making him tilt his head as he looked down at you.

"Yes, rather like that, because, don't forget, I am your god. And no mortal shall satisfy you as I will."

"Who's Khonshu?"

You were brought back to reality and blinked confusedly at your family, who looked at you expectantly.

"He's, uh, um....." you started, though unsure how to finish.

Your grandma's eyes lit up despite her cataracts. "He, dear? So you do have someone?"

Khoonshu's hand fell on your shoulder, unseen by everyone else, but heavy to you, sending shivers down your spine.

"Y-yeah, I do. He's...he's special. And it's complicated."

"Correct answer," Khonshu crooned, "I won't make you beg too much tonight."

Heavens. That didn't bode well, yet at the same time, sent a thrill straight to your core as he cupped your chin, his thumb brushing against your lips. You wanted to open your mouth and letting his finger slip against your tongue, but you were in front of your family, even if the others were chattering, reminiscing about their first loves.

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