107. Do You Still Love Me?

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Pairing | Steven Grant x Fem!Reader

Warnings | None

Warnings | None

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You huffed lightly as you rolled onto your back to stare at the ceiling

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You huffed lightly as you rolled onto your back to stare at the ceiling. The pale moonlight coming through the sheer curtains was just enough to cast shadows of the tree branches on the ceiling. You knew it was nothing, but you still didn't like them either. You rolled onto your other side and found that Steven had his back to you. Of course he would manage to be able to sleep after the marathon of scary movies you'd had that evening.

"Unfair," you sighed quietly as you gave up and slipped out of the bed to trek to the kitchen. If you were going to have to be awake, you might as well get a snack in the meantime.

Once you were in the kitchen, you rummaged through the cabinet to find the cookies that were stashed away for times such as these. After not finding them for several minutes, you came to the conclusion that someone must have gotten to them before you did. You loved him, you really did, but you also really had wanted those cookies.

"Steven Grant," you groaned before closing the cabinet and moving onto the fridge. There wasn't much of interest in there either - you really needed to go and get some groceries - until you spotted that piece of cake in the back. It would have to do for now.

You grabbed the plate out and set it at the kitchen table before grabbing a fork and plopping down in the chair. You were glad you'd turned on all the lights in the kitchen and hallway; it was the only thing that was keeping you from completely losing it. Each little creak and groan coming from outside and inside the apartment caused you to remain on edge. Realistically you knew that nothing was going to happen, but in the middle of the night your tired mind wasn't fully logical.

You finished the slice of cake quickly before washing it all down with a swig of whatever latest fake milk Steven had managed to find that was in the fridge. You paused to use the bathroom before making your way back to the bedroom. Steven was still in the exact same position as when you had left; lucky him.

You crawled back under the covers on your side of the bed and bundled yourself up in the soft blankets. After a bit of tossing and turning, you couldn't take it anymore and reached for Steven, attempting to wrap an arm around him and pull him closer to your body. Even in his sleep, he attempted to pull out of your grasp.

"Steven," you pouted, ready to cry even though you knew he was asleep and couldn't help it. It was silly to let such a thing upset you, but you were already in an emotional state. What part of your cycle were you in? Maybe that was why you were feeling even more emotional than normal, "I need you."

He didn't respond to your soft little request, either because he was still deep asleep, or very good at ignoring you and feigning sleep. But you knew he would never do a thing such as ignore you. You picked his side a little, jabbing your finger into the soft flesh on his hip, "Steven. Steven."

"'m sleepin'," he grumbled as he burrowed further into his pillow. The logical part of your brain knew you should just leave him alone and try and get some sleep on your own, but you weren't feeling particularly logical. And you really want to be wrapped up in his arms if you were being completely honest.

"Steven," this time your hand was on his shoulders and you resorted to shaking him, "please, wake up, I need you."

"Hmm?" he finally rolled onto his back, his eyes opening slightly as he blinked away the sleepy bleariness, "what's wrong, darling?"

"Well, two things," you sighed as you sat up and looked at him with wide eyes. He yawned and you instantly felt bad about waking him up, but at this point, it was already done, "first of all, I'm scared. We shouldn't have watched all those scary movies right before bed. I can't sleep and I swear I've never heard this many creaks and cracks before."

"It's alright," he whispered as he put his hand on your face, his thumb gently brushing over your cheek, "they were just movies, that's all. Nothing can hurt you, besides I'm right here."

"I know that," you pouted, "but as we are well aware, monsters and scary things that most people don't think are real happen to be very real...and scary"

"Let me rephrase," he couldn't help but chuckle lightly, "nothing's going to happen to you. Fake movies and you've got me here to protect you."

"Fine," it was a huff of defeat when you realized he was right. You were being overdramatic, but he didn't have to point it out.

"What was the second thing?" your face flushed with warmth as you realized just how silly this was all going to sound.

"Do you still love me?" you asked softly, burying your face in your hands as he laughed. And it wasn't just some soft little shy laugh, but a deep one that caused him to sit up, "don't laugh, Steven!"

"Please tell me this is not why you woke me up at three am," he asked as you sighed lightly, shrugging your shoulders. He gently put his hands on your hips as he motioned for you to sit in his lap, "sweetheart..."

"Well no," you offered him a tentative little smile, "but you wouldn't let me hold you or cuddle and I was scared!"

"I was sleeping!"

"Well...normally you'd still hold me but you wouldn't tonight," this felt even more ridiculous as you said it out loud, "I just...I love you."

"I love you too, very very much," his hands found your face as he leaned in and kissed you gently. You could practically melt into his touch, finally calming down, "and in case you've forgotten, we happen to be married."

You took his hand in yours, letting the cool metal of his wedding band click against yours. He brought your hand to his lips as he pressed a kiss to your knuckles, "there's plenty of unhappy and out of love married people."

"And we don't happen to be those people, love."

"I...you're right," you agreed with a small little sigh, "I'm sorry for waking you up. And being...like this. I guess I just really freaked myself out."

"There's nothing to be sorry for," he promised, "now we just know that we won't have any more scary movie marathons right before bed...and that I still love you even if my sleeping body doesn't hold you. Yeah?"

"Yeah," you wrapped your arms around his neck and held him tightly, "thank you, my love. You always know just what to do."

"What can I say?" he teased as he nudged his nose against yours, letting his lips lingers just shy of yours, "I'm pretty fantastic."

"And a dork," you giggled, "that happens to be my favorite human being in the entire world."

"Well, that settles that," he grinned, "we're on the same page. But for now...let's get back to bed. It is...three in the morning after all. Do you think you'll be able to sleep?"

"Will you hold me?"

"Of course."

"Then yes," you promised, "let's get some sleep and then tomorrow I'll make it up to you."

"What...just how are you planning on making this up to me?" he raised an eyebrow as you offered him a saccharine little smile.

"Oh, I'll find a way," you whispered, "trust me. I love you, my sweet Steven-with-v Grant."

"I love you more."

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