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"Actually, they are her cats-"

"Gasping loudly! What are we going to do?!"

"Of course, we should give them back to her-"

"I have an idea!"

Felix facepalm, murmuring to himself."I could already smell something stupid."

"Holy shit! Jacob, didja farted?!"

"No?! It was Louis!"

"Look at him accusing someone else. He didn't realize he always farts in his sleep. We could even recognize whose by the smell."

"Okay, that's amazing and yet disgusting at the same time."

Felix, the red-headed, only stared at the scene in silence with his tired eyes before facepalming once again."... Am I the only sane person here?"

"You wouldn't understand us, Felix! You hate cats!"

"No, I don't hate them. I have a freaking cat allergic, you dimwit."He sneered and hummed when someone called his name from the kitchen, not taking his eyes off the group- in the fear of what they might do once he look away.

"Is this your new recipe?"

"Yeah. How does it taste?"

James made a gagging sound, "Bro, it straight up tastes like a dead sea."

"Damn- wait, James?"He snapped his head to look at the mentioned male, eyes squinting suspiciously at the sauce on the corner of his lips, "Did you secretly eat my cookings, again?"

"I just have a taste! I swear!"He declared before mumbling the next words underneath his breath, "If eating one counts as a taste, that's it."

"James! Those are rinderroulades!"

He retorts, "I was hungry, okay?! Oooh, is that pudding?"

"Pudding? No, wait, that is mine- put it back down! James Krüger, last warning!"He then faced his friends, "Don't do anything stupid, you hear me?!"And disappeared into the kitchen.

However, they pretend to not hear anything - both his advice nor the clunk sound of a metal object hitting something.

"Alright, let's go with plan A. We need to distract her."

"Lucian. Do whatever you can to stop her!"

"Aye, aye, Captain!"

"If we ignore the main reason for this plan, that kinda sounds cool."


After minutes of fighting for his dear life, James eventually succumbed and was dragged back inside by Felix, with his body tied up.

"So, "Felix started, noticing the others crowding at the window to watch something. Of course, he joined them, though he wasn't expecting the sight."What is he doing?"

"His best."

"No, he is clearly twerking."

"True but at least we managed to distract her."

"And somehow I'm invested."

"Dude, she looks disgusted."

Dylan pondered for a while."Thinking again, I don't think this is a good idea."

"You think?"

"Me too."

"We are not taking a vote."

Felix is rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I hate y'all's stupidity with my passion."

Okay, let's just skip to the future by 5 minutes - abracadabra!

𝐔𝐍𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔 » 𝐘𝐔𝐑𝐈 𝐁.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu