Chapter 18

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Itachi POV
I walk next to Kisame as we head threw the Land of Grass, "YO SHARK BOY!" Both of us barely dodge Akrame who slides across the ground in between us both, before either on of us can register what's going on Akira was in front of Kisame her dojutsus activated, "What th-!"

He falls to the ground right in his face, the only indication that he was alive was the fact his hand twitched slightly. I look at the three women slightly stunned, "What are you three doing here?" Chiho grins cheekily, "We're bringing you home squirt, your name is clear and every thing."

"Yea shit heads in jail now for everything he did to the Uchiha. Now we're just waiting for Tsunade to give the us permission to kill him." My gaze settles on Akira, "Is this true?" I ask softly, "Of course I told you I was going to bring you home didn't I. And with you in the leaf I'm sure me and Granny can find a cure for your disease."

"How did you-!"

"I have my ways squirt now come on I'm sure Sasuke's ready for that talk." My can't help but bring her into a hug, she tenses for a moment before her arms wrap around my torso. Akira squeezes me slightly, "Thank you." I say quietly, "You have nothing to thank me for Itachi, family sticks together remember."

We pull apart, "What a touching moment." A deep voice says behind me and I immediately tense up and shield Akira as I turn around.

"Madara I didn't expect to run into you all the way out here." He chuckles slightly, "Call it intuition but after you, Kisame, Hidan and Kakuzu report your encounter with such famous anbu of the leaf. And coming back alive I couldn't shake the feeling that something was up." Akrame shifts on her feet, "I don't like this guy's aura its all off." She mutters, "Itachi is he really Madara Uchiha?"

Chiho ask her dojutsu activating, "Yes he's the true leader of the akatsuki, working in the shadows." I push chakra into my eyes activating my mangekyou sharingan.

Akira moves out from behind me, I grab her arm before she could take another step towards that man.

"Don't Akira he's far to dangerous." She slowly turns her head and looks at me over her shoulder, I unconsciously let her go and take a step back. Shivering slightly, "You forget who I am Itachi I don't back down from a fight. And you've never seen me at full power."

She turns back to Madara smiling bitterly, "So after all these years you finally decide to show yourself to me." This catches my attention, is it possible that Madara and Akira know each other?

"Its been awhile Akira, now I must ask you to step aside so I can take care of this little traitor."

"You know damn well you'd have to get threw me if you want to get to him. And it seems your fooling everyone huh." Madara tilts his head slightly, "Careful Akira remember what I said all those years ago I'll make good on that promise."

She clickes her tongue in annoyance, "You three head back towards the leaf I'll meet you guys there." Worry immediately washes over me, "Are you sure." Chiho pats my shoulder, "Have faith Itachi now come on well wait 6 miles east of the village okay Akira."

She simply nods and tosses a market kunai to Akrame who catches it with ease. I turn around ready to follow Akrame and Chiho into the forest.

I glance at Akria's back one more time before taking off into the trees. Please be careful Akira....

Akira pov
I don't take my eyes off of Obito as I track Itachi, Chiho and Akrame chakra. We silently stand across from each other not saying a word. Once I decide those three are far enough away I unseal my katana and point it at him.

"You know that mask just makes you look stupid why don't you take it off." Not saying anything her raises his hand and slips the mask off.

His eyes me coldly, the Obito I knew long gone. I won't lie it hurts me to see him so filled with hate, "So mind telling me why you started a group like the akatsuki. Isnt there mission world peace, the last time I saw you it didn't seem like you wanted peace."

He smirks, "I seem to forget your the last person that should be underestimated. But asking me why I'm behind the akatsuki is like asking why you returned to the leaf after they banished you."

I shrug carelessly, "I made a promise to keep the village safe and I have people important to me there." He taps his chin as if he's thinking, "Hmm I wonder if you would come join me if I took away all those important people. Maybe I'll start with......Naruto perhaps?" I clench my jaw slightly and let some of my Killing Intent leak out.

"I don't know why you guys are after Naruto but if so much as hurt one little hair on his head I'll give you the most painful death." He looks at me amused, "Do you really think your a match for me now? Don't assume I was the same baka who was stumbling in Kakashi's shadow."

I scoff, "I saw what you did to those Mist anbu when they killed Rin. Your Mangekyou is tricky I'll give you that but don't think it will make you invincible. And I don't doubt who ever trained you was powerful."

Obito's chakra flares slightly and a black rod appears in his hand, "Than let me see if your going to be a problem to my plans." I push chakra to my eyes activating my dojutsus and shift into my kenjutsu stance.

"Come at me then."

(Skipping the fight cuz I still suck at them lol)

Itachi POV (5 hours later)
The sun gets lower and lower in the sky as we wait in a small meadow for Akira. Akrame sighs in annoyance and stands up stretching slightly.

"Man what is taking her so long. I swear if she ended up getting killed I'll kick her ass in the next life." I could her the worry in her threat and before Chiho could say anything Akira appears in front of us.

She collapses on her hands and knees coughing up a small amount of blood. We all immediately rush to her side, "I'm fine just a few injuries and chakra depletion." She mutters wiping her mouth and sitting back on her legs. I could see exhaustion in her eyes, and there where multiple cuts and rips in her clothes.

On her left side her clothes where slightly darker than the rest. Chiho flicks her in the forehead, "Baka just got ahead and lay back so I can treat your injuries."

Surprisingly Akira lays down without protest, Akrame places her cloak under her head like a pillow. Gentle Chiho rolls up her shirt revealing a deep cut, "Is she going to be alright?" I can't help but question, "She'll be fine squirt your Aunt has had worse. I'll heal this as best I can and wrap it up for now. We'll camp for the night here and when she wakes up in the morning she can heal it the rest of the way."

I nod in relief, "We know your wondering if Akira has met this Madara before Itachi." I tense at the serious tone Akrame uses, "Believe me we want to ask about it as well but Akira has always had a reason to keep things to herself. She'll tell us when she's ready or when she thinks we need to know. Right now its just best to let it be because no matter how much you question her she won't tell you."

I simple nod in response and stand up, "I'm going to go collect some wood for a fire." Neither one say anything as I head back into the forest lost in thought. Just what really is going on....

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