Chapter 3

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Chiho Pov

We wake up Hatake and his team up at dawn packing up everything and heading down the path again, a few hours into it Naruto starts complaining. "Come on how much longer!" I sigh and bend down to the ground placing two fingers, then pulsing my chakra into it. Much to my surprise it doesn't take long for a familiar chakra to pulse back at me.

I smile softly and stand, "She knows where coming." Before Hatake can say anything I feel a group of chakra signatures closing in on us and fast. I curse under my breath, "We've got in coming Hatake protect your team!" Akrame unseals her two headed scythe spinning it a little, "How many and what are there level?" I close my eyes for a second, "There's six of them two chunin level the rest jonin." Akrame sighs and looks over her shoulder, "Let me and Chiho handle this Hatake and protect your team."

I see the hesitation in his one visible eye, "Look I know we haven't been on any missions in the last 13 years Hatake but that doesn't mean we lost our edge." He nods lifting his forehead protector revealing the sharingan, "You heard them guys get into formation and stay close to me."

"But Kakashi-sensei!"

"Naruto." He looks at me his eyes widening, "Y-You're eyes?!" I smirk a little and unseal my kusarigama enjoying the feeling of it being in my hands again. "Don't doubt us Naru there's a lot you have to learn about us." I turn back around just in time for the six to land in front of us, ah so there rouges from the Hidden Mist. There leader probably standing at the same height as Kakashi looks at us with a smirk, "Well well well what do we have here, those weapons look a little to sharp for you ladies so why don't you just set them down." Akrame looks at them blankly, "Toruki Oharoma rouge jonin from the mist for what 6 mouths now? All because you try to use your rank to steal from the people your supposed to protect. And judging by the conditions of your kunai you've had a lot of encounters with the Hunter nin."

He looks at us with wide eyes I can't help but grin a little, "Chiho and Akrame Suzuki at your services....." They all begin to tremble some immediately throw there weapons onto the ground, Toruki holds his trembling kunai up, "I-I'll kill you and take the bounty." As soon as he takes a step Akrame had him on his stomach one end of her scythe against his neck. "Listen buddy we don't have time for you and your little squad. So just this once I'll let you all leave with your lives." Akrame walks away from them and they quickly pick up there weapons, "Your both monsters!"

I seal my weapon and chuckle under my breath, "Never gets old."

"So that's how you two handle things now I'm not all that impressed." I send a kunai towards the person but to my surprise the cloaked figure catches it with ease. "You could have used a little more power behind that." Akrame growls, "If you want a fight then come down here."

The cloak figure chuckles and jumps down, I try to get a read of there chakra level's but its completely suppressed. Before Akrame can attack I walk in front of her tears gathering in my eyes, "A-Akira?" I hear Akrame let out a noise of surprise as the figure lowers her hood, those purple eyes that once held so much hope now seem so empty.

"I want to know what you all are doing out here but it isn't safe ya'know." She turns to walk away then pauses and looks over her shoulder, "Well are you coming?" This snaps me out of it and I turn to a frozen Hatake and his Team, "Let's get going." Akira walks a few steps in front of us with me and Akrame right behind her, the genin where trying to whisper behind us but failing at that.

Akira suddenly stops, "Akira what ar-?!" But she cuts Hatake off when she starts weaving some hand signs then slamming her hand into the ground. The atmosphere around us changes as the wind begins to blow, "Follow me." Akira takes a step and the seems to disappear, "W-Where did she go sensei?!" Hatake snaps out of his little daze, "It's a sealing barrier I am positive Akira has developed herself. We can get into the details later for now Sakura we need to keep following her."

We go threw finding a small cabin with a fire right in front of it, Akira was sitting on the ground just staring at it. We all gather round next to her and there's nothing but an awkward silence around us all.

"Are you going to tell me why your here Hatake or stare at me all day?" He scratches the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle, "Well you see o-!"

"Granny Tsunade wants us to bring you back so you can help protect the Leaf Village!" Sasuke hits Naruto in the back of the head, "Hn shut up you dope, let Kakashi-sensei handle this." Naruto was about to protest when Akira speaks, "Chiho what happened to the old man?"

I sigh a little and watch her to see if I can get a reaction, "He was killed during the Chunin Exams by Orochimaru, he uh preformed the Reaper Death Seal." Akira tilts her head a little, "That same Seal then, so Tsunade's Hokage then."

"Ya they actual got her to agree can you believe that." Akira hums a little at Akrame statement and closes her eyes, "So the old man gets killed, Tsunade becomes Hokage and sends you all out here to find me, to take me back to the village."

Hatake clears his throat, "That is correct and the sooner we can return the better Akira, I'm sure you can guess how the village is right now." Akira breaths out slowly then opens up her eyes staring at him blankly, "You are very bold to assume I would go back there Hatake. So I will tell you now that I will not go back there now or ever."

Rise of the Wolf (Under editing) kakashi love storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin