Chapter 13

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Akira pov
I snuggle more into Kakashi's side when I hear tapping at the window. Lifting my head slightly I see on of Chiho sparrows sitting by the window. It taps the window again, "Looks like you have to go."

I jump at Kakashi's morning voice and glance down at him. Only to see him staring back at me with his eye barely open. I sit up pulling the covers off of me, "I'm afraid so sorry for waking you Kashi." He smiles at me sleepily, "Don't worry about it just come find me whenever your done?" I give him a quick peck on the lips, "I will but if I'm in a bad mood I apologize in advance."

He chuckles as I spring of the bed grabbing my clothes and making my way to Kakashi's bathroom. I put Kakashi's clothes in the hamper before exiting. I open his bedroom window, "You do realize I have a door right." I look at him over my shoulder with a playful smile, "Where's the fun in that."

I jump out his window jumping roof to roof. I wonder what's up, normally if its not a big deal Chiho or Akrame will handle it. Getting to the Hokage building I decide to be normal for once and go inside then knock on the door.

"Come in!" I tense when I see the elders inside along with Danzo and Pervy-sage who was standing behind Granny Tsunade with s frown. I take my place in between Akrame and Chiho, "Let's get straight to the point what is this about?" Danzo cleats his throat, "We want to talk about the biggest threat to the village as of right now." Chiho raises a brow, "Orochimaru?"

"No this is bigger than Orochimaru its an organization he was apart of and is made up of S-ranked criminals. They are called the Akatsuki." Granny slides a folder towards me, I step forward grabbing it. I open it making sure Akrame and Chiho are able to read it as well.

I skim the pages frowning at it, "We believe they are after the tailed beast. But from what I've gathered they won't be making a move for 3 years.

"So what you are saying we got 3 years to prepare for whatever can come." Akrame grabs the folder from my hands eyes darting across the pages, "So there going to come after Naruto...." I say quietly, Chiho putting her hand on my shoulder giving me a slight squeeze.

Pervy-sage rubs his head, "One of the other reasons is that I wanted to ask you if you are okay with me taking Naruto on a training trip with me for those 3 years." Koharu scoffs, "I don't see why you bother to ask her Akira has no rights in the matter."

I clench my fist and growl, "Of course she has the right to know you fucking fossil she's his Oneesan!" Akrame was fuming, "But Naruto doesn't know that and we need to keep it that way." I turn my glare to Homura, "Why do you insist to keep him in the dark about our parents and me. If your worried about my Touchans enemies coming after him I'm more than enough to protect him."

"But we cannot guarantee how the nine-tails vessel will react to such information." I could feel my eyes shift and hear the ground crack under my feet, "Don't you fucking dare talk about him like he's an object. His name is Naruto Uzumaki, he is my Otouto and he is my responsibility so I will not allow you to decide his future as long as I'm still breathing." Danzo glares at me but I can feel his charka waver slightly and I can't help but smirk.

"Akira." I could hear the warning in Granny Tsunades voice, "But I agree with you taking him outside the village to train. I know you will make him stronger Pervy-sage and there's no one I would trust him more with ya'know." He chuckles at me but shivers at Chiho glare, "But if you take him to do your research I will hurt you."

He laughs nervously, "Akira." I look at Akrame from the corner of my eye, "Why don't we go find the Akatsuki and have a word with them."

"ARE YOU INSANE THERE A GROUP OF S-RANKED CRIMINALS FROM DIFFERENT VILLAGES YOU CANT JUST GO SPEAK TO THEM!" Granny punches her desk in half, "And we understand that Lady Tsunade but for once I agree with Akrame. Will be careful but we cannot show that we are scared of them. Because is we let them get in our heads and dictate what and how we do things there already winning."

Rise of the Wolf (Under editing) kakashi love storyWhere stories live. Discover now