Chapter 32

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Don't Leave Me

Theodosia's POV

(A/N: I'm sorry. You all are going to hate me so much. Don't kill me.)

It was a nice day. It was a steady sixty degrees. Theo was bouncing around as I lay in the sun out back. I was reading a book about Chamilton on a blanket. Angie had lent it to me. I became hungry so I went inside to make lunch. Just as I sat down with my turkey sandwich, there was a knock on the door.

"Hi! Do you want to go on a run?" Aaron asked as I opened the door.

"Sure. I need to eat lunch first. Want some?" I responded.

"Sure!" Aaron said.

Aaron entered the house and Theo ran to him. He picked Theo up and cradled her. I smiled at Theo and Aaron. I continued into the kitchen.

"What would you like for lunch? We have some lunch meat," I asked.

"May I have a ham and cheese sandwich?" Aaron answered.

"Here," I threw the ham at him. He laughed and caught it. It was in a bag, thank goodness.

I led Aaron outback where I was reading. We laid upon the blanket and ate our lunch. After we ate our lunch, we lay in the sun for a while.

"About that run..." Aaron broke the silence after six minutes.

"Could I go on a run with Aaron?" I called down the hall.

"Sure. Be back soon," Came the reply.


I ran to my bedroom and Aaron followed me. I opened my closet and got out my running shoes. I then walked to the bathroom and put my hair in a ponytail. I tracked down Theo and clipped her leash on.

"I'm taking Theo!" I yelled into the house.

"Okay," Mom said.

We set off on our adventure. Theo was straining on her leash. She was getting stronger everyday. I laughed and started to jog. Aaron jogged alongside me and Theo. The day was sunny and it had a slight breeze. It was a Saturday so we could take all the time we wanted. I drank in the warm air. We ran to Central Park and stopped at the pond. Little Theo scared some ducks who were swimming around. We sat upon a bench and watched the ducks. Aaron put his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder. It reminded me of the dance.

"Should we continue?" Aaron asked after a while.

"...Sure," I answered.

I stood and woke Theo up. Theo had fallen asleep as we sat there. (Just so we're clear, Theo is the puppy) We continued walking through Central Park and then went into the streets. The cars whipped by us. Honks filled the air and I smiled. This was my city and I loved it.

We came to a crosswalk. I jumped from one painted rectangle on the ground to the next because I am a literal child. I strayed in front of Aaron and Theo because I was jumping and they were walking.

"Hey Aaron! You should ju-" My sentence trailed off as I turned around.

I stopped in my tracks. No. No. Nonononono. NO! NO!

A truck was speeding towards Theo and Aaron. Someone screamed. It might have been me. It was a red light.... It was a red light!

"AARON!" I yelled.

I sprinted towards him and ripped Theo's leash out of his hands. I threw it and then pushed Aaron out of the way.

The last thing I remember was the truck barreling towards me. Then, black.

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