Chapter 4

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Lunch Time

(A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been really busy with school and setting up a school dance. Oh, and my brother's birthday party.)

James Madison's POV

"Ahahahaha!" I laughed.

"And then, he fell!" Thomas told me and Aaron.

"Wasn't that a little mean?" Aaron Burr asked.

We were sitting in the gym foyer eating our lunch. We were all alone so nobody could bother us. There were huge windows all around the foyer. We could see a ton of students eating outside.

"Lighten up! It's freaking John Laurens! Nobody cares about him," Thomas laughed.

I smiled. Thomas was my best friend since second grade. Is it weird to like your best friend? Not like like. LIKE like.

"Hey! Did you see that email that Mr. Washington sent about the dance?" I exclaimed with a smile on my face.

"Yeah! I want to bring Martha," Thomas said. The way he said it was a little strange though.

I slightly frowned. Nobody knows that I'm gay. Not even Thomas. I don't even know how to tell someone!

"I would like to bring Theodosia," Aaron thought out loud.

"I dare you to go over and ask her!" Thomas declared as he pointed out the window.

"Okay!" Aaron agreed.

We all gasped and looked to where Thomas was pointing. A pretty girl with dark brown hair was chatting with Martha Wayles and the Schuyler sisters.

We laughed as we followed Aaron out to Theodosia. Theodosia and the girls immediately stopped talking when they saw us. I saw Angelica aggressively grab her metal fork and Thomas shy away. From what I heard Angelica once slapped Thomas and now he's scared of her. She can be scary.

"Hi Theodosia. So, um..." Aaron started.

"Say it!" I pressed.

" You know how in the school wide email that Mr. Washington sent it said there would be a dance?" Aaron asked.

Theodosia shared a look with her friends.

"Yes. What about it?" She slyly prodded.

"Um, willyougotothedancewithme?" He spluttered.

Theodosia's mouth dropped and her eyes got wide.

"I-I would love to!" She gasped

Aaron smiled and walked away. I glanced back at the girls. Eliza was fanning her self as a joke and falling into Peggy's lap. Theodosia was blushing and Angelica and Martha were laughing.


He gave Aaron a high five. They were talking about their success when the foyer doors slammed open. The new kid- Alexander - had barged in. We stopped celebrating and stared at him. His face was red.

"Um, hi. Who're you?" I said.

Alexander had pushed his way towards Thomas. His mouth was set in a line.

"How?" He demanded.

"How what?" Thomas asked.

"HOW. DID. YOU. KNOW?" Alexander demanded once again.

"How did I know what?" Thomas prodded.

I could see that he liked to have fun with new students. Alexander was getting very very mad. His eyes were squinted an his fists were balled up.

"How did you know about my mother?" Alexander asked Thomas.

"I have my ways!" Thomas gleefully said.

Alexander raised his fists. Then he took a deep breath and walked away.

"What?" I asked nobody in particular.


Alexander turned around and ran back to Thomas.. He whispered something in  his ear. Thomas' eyes got wide and he turned red. 

"Who told you that?" he asked.

Alexander laughed and ran away.

"What? What did he say?" I pressed.

"Nothing. It was nothing..." he sighed.

He was totally hiding something. I can always tell. I know that Thomas wouldn't tell me.  I love mysteries. Give me a week and I'll get it out of him! I know I can.

The bell rang and I panicked. I've never been late to a class. I muttered a string of curses.

"Thomas! Aaron! We gotta go! "I cried.

As we sprinted to class I stole a look at Thomas. He was looking at the floor but not really. He had a faraway look in his eyes. As I was looking at Thomas I crashed into someone. I heard a high pitched EEEEK as I tumbled to the ground.

I had barreled into Angelica. As she got up she had a murderous look in her eyes. She muttered under her breath and I was genuinely scared.  She stared into my freaking soul. She wound her arm back to hit me but then Eliza came to the rescue.

"Angie! Don't!" Eliza cried.

We then ran away before Angelica could do anything else. That was a lot of excitement. We burst into class and sat down. I can't believe I was late for a class!

"James. Thomas. Aaron. You are late," the teacher Ms. Bondy said.

"Sorry Ms. Bondy," we all said at the same time.

I sighed. Another day, another class. I can't wait for spring break. Spring break is two weeks. I'm so excited. I'm flying by myself to Oregon to visit my aunt and uncle for five days. Usually, over breaks I hang out with Thomas. 

I heard Ms. Bondy calling my name.

"Sorry. Could you repeat the question?" I asked.

Ms. Bondy sighed. This was going to be a long day. I settled into my chair and got ready for the class period.  After this class period we had B&E which stands for Breaking and Eating. Breaking mean to take a break. Not breaking something.

During B&E I have a club. I am in student council. All the members are: me, Thomas, Angelica, James Madison, and James Monroe. There are a lot of James at my school. 

During student council we will be discussing the dance. I can't wait! If Thomas is going with Martha, who will I go with? Maybe I'll just sit in the corner and read a book.  Maybe Thomas will recognize that I exist and take me? While I'm dreaming, I want a puppy.

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