Chapter 1

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New Kid

Alexander's POV

A/N: Just btw, this has a ton of plot holes and crappy writing. I wrote it a long time ago. Other than that, enjoy!

Also, I'm planning to rewrite this entire thing with an entire new plot and setting so like just keep that in mind

"Class, we have a new student from the Caribbean Island of Nevis," the teacher said.

I walked in and saw a sea of faces. I surveyed all of them. A boy with really fluffy hair. A  pretty girl with long black hair. A pretty girl with dark curly hair. A boy that had a bandanna. A boy that had a shirt that said "WAIT FOR IT". A cute boy. My eyes landed on the cute boy for longer than they did on the other children. He caught me looking and smiled. I returned it.

"Could you introduce yourself?" the teacher asked.

"...I'm sorry, what? Oh. I'm Alexander Hamilton! You can call me Alex or Alexander. I don't care. There's a million things I haven't done, but just you wait! Like, rock climbing, skydiving, licking a rock, kissing a- " I rambled.

"Thank you. That's quite enough. Please go sit down by Angelica Schuyler," the teacher directed.

"IT'S ANGIE!" the girl with dark curly hair screeched.

"Yes, yes. I know," the teacher sighed.

"Then whyyyyyy didn't you call me Angie?" she queried.

"Would you like detention?"


"That's what I thought."

I sat down and Angie smiled at me. I returned the smile. The teacher introduced himself as Mr. Franklin. He told us to get our books out. This was history class. Yay! I love history. Especially the colonial era which we were learning about.

We were thirty minutes into the lecture when I stopped listening. Angie and the pretty girl with long black hair were passing notes. The cute boy was drawing something.

The whole class were sitting in desks and the cute boy was to the left of me. Angie was to the right of me. I shifted in my seat to see what he was drawing. It was a turtle. It looked really good.

 It looked really good

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(I did not draw this. I found it online)

"Mr. Hamilton? Are you paying attention or looking at Mr. Laurens' drawing?" Mr. Franklin called.

I leaned back into my seat and blushed. Laurens turned to look at me. Then he spun around to face forwards again. He covered his drawing.

"Sorry," we said at the same time.

My breathing quickened. NO! STOP! When Dad was around he said I shouldn't like boys because then I can't carry on our line. I tried so hard to please him. Whatever I did wasn't enough. When his time was up, I didn't do enough. I didn't please him.

I sighed.


"WHAT? What did I do?" Jefferson questioned with his mouth open.

"That's two detentions!" Mr. Franklin muttered.

Jefferson groaned and sank down in his seat. I saw the pretty girl and the girl with the curly hair exchange an excited look.

"Please see me in this room after school. I will call your parents," Mr. Franklin called.

"Um, Mr. Franklin...I don't..." I started.

"Do you want more detention time, Mr. Hamilton?"

"No..." I whispered.

"Then please be quiet while I continue. Good, now..."

Augh! What have I gotten myself into? How am I going to tell him that my dad is gone and my mom is dead?

My dad was really mean to me. I feel bad that I don't miss him. When I was ten he left me and my mom to fend for ourselves. I should miss him. I should love him. He's my dad! Children are supposed to love their father.

My mom's name was Rachel. She was so nice. If I had a bad day at school she would make me cookies. I miss her terribly. The last time I talked to her was when she was in the hospital. NO! Don't cry now....

I slumped down into my seat and rested my head in my hands. I closed my eyes. I felt something hit my wrist. I opened my eyes and saw a folded piece of paper. I looked around to make sure that nobody was watching me. Everybody was trying to pay attention and failing. I opened it.


My name is John Laurens. I'm the boy that sits to the left of you. Really sorry that I got you in detention! My drawing wasn't that good anyway. Maybe, we could be friends? You don't have to say yes. I'll understand.


John Laurens

He seemed like a really nice boy. Maybe we could be friends? I don't want to seem too forthcoming though. I've been told that I'm loud, annoying, not worthy of living. My dad called me most of those things.

I picked up my pencil and flipped the note over. I made sure that nobody was watching me again.

I wrote:

I think that drawing was great! I would love to be friends. It's not your fault that I'm in detention. Do you like turtles?

I reached forward slowly and deposited the paper onto his desk. I watched as he picked it up and read it. Then John took another scrap of paper and wrote something. He tossed it back to me.

It said: "Yay! Yes, I love turtles"

I tucked the paper away into my backpack. Wow. A friend. On my first day too! I wish I could tell my mother. 

Well, I try to focus on the present. The past is the past. We can't change it. As hard as I try, my family will always be dead. I know that seems really dark but it's true. We can try to change the future though. I can get good grades and get into a good high school and college. I can try to please my dad even though he isn't here. I can try.  

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