Chapter 19

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Angie's POV

I woke up to rain and rain and rain. It slammed into the tent and my tent sounded like it was going to fall down. The rainfly was whipping around and the wind was 45 mph. I got dressed and went to Peggy's tent.

I entered the tent and got out of the rain. I took off my shoes. We stayed in the tent for thirty minutes. The wind was brutal and slammed into the side of the tent. The rainfly slapping against the tent was very annoying.

"Should we go to breakfast?" I wondered.

"Sure," Theodosia said.

We stepped outside into the rain, sleet and wind. The trees made a crashing sound against the other trees. I bent my head so the rain wouldn't hit my face. Our trip was slow. We shuffled along with our bodies bent over.

When we got down to breakfast, there was no one around. Ms. B told us to come back in ten minutes. We groaned and started back up the hill. The hike was half a mile but it seemed a lot longer.

We went back inside the tent. Ten minutes later, we went down again. Still no food.

"I think we should stay down here," I yelled over the wind.

"But we don't know how long it could be! Let's go back up," Martha replied.

I sighed. Once again, we went up the hill. At the top, we were all out of breath. We crawled back into the tent while muttering about our misfortunes.

"Let's stay for twenty minutes," Peggy supplied.

We all agreed. We all sat in the tent which I noticed was big for a four person tent. We played Spin the Bottle: Hug edition. You could hug someone or kiss them on the lips, cheek, or hand.

Eliza spun it and it landed on Maria. Eliza blushed.

"What do you want to do? I don't care," Eliza said.

Maria swooped in and kissed Eliza on the cheek. Maria acted like nothing had happened but Eliza was frozen.

I peeked out of the tent and saw something amazing and frightening at the same time.

"Guys...guys! Look!" I cried.

It was a wall of clouds. It looked very ominous and it looked like fog. I could see it moving towards us. I panicked.

"Let's go down now!" I screeched.

All my friends agreed. We dashed down to the path. Right as we were in the thickest part of the forest, the fog came over us. Somehow I was separated from my friends.

"Peggy! Martha! Eliza...?" I called.

I couldn't hear anybody. The forest didn't look familiar. I started to panic. I heard a rustling in the bushes and I turned to face it. I slowly walked backwards and I bumped into something. I screamed and turned. It was Lafayette.

" scared me!" I said.

"Heh heh. We are lost?" he asked.



A bunny came out of the bushes and we started laughing. The fog slowly went away and we found the path. By the time we got to the bottom, Peggy was hysterical.


She rushed over and gave me a huge hug. Lafayette found Hercules and he kissed his boyfriend. I smiled. The food was all gone but I got a granola bar and fruit snacks.

We laughed and ate our food. We all made our way back to the tents.

Time Skip

Alexander's POV

"Hey, let's go scare Lafayette!" I whispered to Jefferson.

It was dark out and about 10 PM. He turned over and mumbled something that I couldn't hear. I frowned. I'm going to scare Lafayette.

I creeped out of the tent and found Lafayette's. It was quiet inside. I found some bushes and broke off a piece. I went over to the tent and made some noises. I heard someone move inside.

"What was that?" I heard Aaron say.

"OH MON DIEU! C'EST UN MARCHEUR DE PEAU!" Lafayette screamed.

I cursed. He said "OH MY GOD! IT'S A SKINWALKER!" I ran away right as the tent unzipped. I dove into the bushes as I heard someone walk around. I got a great and terrible idea at the same time. The person was right next to the bush I was in. I made some growling noises.

"Hello?" It was Madison.


I jumped up and Madison screamed. I ran into the woods so he couldn't see that it was me. I silently laughed. That was amazing. I scurried back to my tent and tried to fall asleep.

Lafayette's POV

I heard something from outside of the tent. It was a growl. I sat straight up. I remembered when I was lost in the woods with Angie. My eyes got wide. I heard rustling.

A couple days ago, someone showed me a photo of a skin walker and I couldn't get the photo out of my brain.

"What was that?" Aaron asked.

"OH MON DIEU! C'EST UN MARCHEUR DE PEAU!" I screamed for the second time that day.

Madison got up and opened the tent. I shook my head no. It was still raining outside.

"Hello?" I heard Madison say.

"RAAAAGGGGHHHHH!" There was a furious growl.


Monroe lunged and zipped the tent closed. I scooted as far away as I could. I heard running feet and someone tried to open the tent. I screamed and probably woke everyone up.

The rainfly parted and I threw a pillow at whatever was coming in. It hit Madison and fell into the mud. I was still scared but Madison was fuming.

"It was Hamilton!" He said.

I started laughing. Of course Alexander would scare us! I rocked back and forth, laughing.

(This chapter doesn't serve any purpose but it was fun to write)

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